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25 DE JULHO DE 2023


on the principles of co-existence. It is a challenge for everyone. I ask you to treat this as a challenge for all our

common values, our understanding of good and evil. This is the case when salvation can only be achieved by

the whole world. Let us become such a world for our children. Let us make them believe in this world and its

people again so that after everything they have been through, they can trust us again.

Thank you.

O Deputado Paulo Pisco (PS) na apresentação do seu Relatório proferiu a seguinte intervenção:

Thank you, Chairman,

Ms Olena Zelenska, let me express, first of all, my gratitude for your participation in

the discussion of this crucial report.

Dear Colleagues,

In one of her many incriminatory declarations, the Russian commissioner for

children's rights, Ms Maria Lvova-Belova said, and I quote: «Now that the children

have become Russian citizens, temporary guardianship can become permanent».

Ms Maria Lvova-Belova was just following the plans and objectives announced by Mr Vladimir Putin in his

speech of 21 February, three days before the war, stating that Ukraine was an inalienable part of the Russian

land. That speech shows very clearly what Mr Vladimir Putin had in mind.

The deportations of forcibly displaced children are a tragedy in the tragedy of this war, full of the massacres

of helpless civilian populations, bombing of hospitals, maternities, schools, and water and energy plants, rape

and torture, blocking humanitarian corridors.

This report focuses on describing and denouncing the practices of deportations and forcible transfers of

children and civilians, and the breaches in the international law, considering the possible crime of genocide.

The exact numbers of deported children are not known, but it is realistically possible that several hundred

thousand children were illegally taken to Russia, Belarus, and occupied territories. Russian authorities have

stated that close to 800 000 Ukrainian children went to Russia, which is more than double the number

supposed by Ukrainian authorities as being deported.

As until so far, only about 20 000 children have been identified as being deported, and less than 400 have

returned to Ukraine. We must then ask where all the other hundreds of thousands of children are.

Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to know exactly how many children have effectively been deported,

their names and whereabouts, and in which living conditions they are. We need to know how many have been

adopted by Russian families, and how many are in re-education centres.

All deported children must recuperate their personal identification, establish contact with families or legal

guardians to be able to return home, including those who were in orphanages or paediatric institutions, whose

parents have been arrested, killed or who were in other situations.

The Council of Europe, United Nations, European Union, the next Reykjavík Summit, should have an active

role in the efforts to help Ukrainian authorities urgently bring back home all children and in creating conditions

to an effective reparation for loss and damages in general. Children are traumatised, they are being

dispossessed of their identity, and can’t return home alone just by themselves. They need help. They need our


Many of the children are being subjected to a process of Russification. It’s a huge violence to replace an

identity for another, forcing them to absorb the Russian culture, language and values to became good patriots.

The Humanitarian Research Lab of Yale identified at least 43 re-education camps in Russia, in occupied

Crimea and Belarus, where, at least, 6000 Ukrainian children were detained, in two of them with military

training, probably to fight against their own people.

The practice of deportations of children started already before the war and became more intense after the

full-scale invasion.

President Vladimir Putin is at the head of the organisation, with the precious help of the devoted and very

mediatic commissioner Ms Maria Lvova-Belova, together with members of the federal government, regional