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25 DE JULHO DE 2023


de terre ont frappé l'Italie, la Grèce et la Türkiye – le rapporteur a bien parlé de cela ; et un volcan est entré en

éruption sur l'île de La Palma en Espagne, tandis que des vagues de chaleur, des incendies de forêt, des

sécheresses ont balayé l'Europe.

Il y a dix ans, Al Gore, ancien Vice-Président américain et lauréat du prix Nobel de la paix, a alerté le monde

sur une vérité qui dérange: il nous a avertis que le changement climatique menaçait les générations futures. La

vérité la plus gênante est que nous faisons trop peu et trop lentement pour éviter le réchauffement de la


Si nous continuons dans cette voie, nous pourrions détruire non pas la planète, mais la vie sur Terre. Le

Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, ancien Premier ministre portugais, M. António Guterres, a déclaré que

l'humanité est confrontée à un choix existentiel: l'action collective ou le suicide collectif.

Les années 2021 et 2022 sont un échantillon du cauchemar qui nous attend. Ce qui nous attend, c'est que

le niveau de la mer monte si haut que les villes côtières sont submergées, provoquant des centaines de

millions de migrants climatiques. Ce qui nous attend, c'est l'augmentation des conflits armés dus au

changement climatique. Ce qui nous attend, c'est l'augmentation de la mortalité humaine, l'extinction de

nombreuses espèces animales et végétales.

Notre responsabilité est grande: c'est à nous d'éviter la catastrophe, c'est à nous de sauver la vie sur Terre.


O Deputado Nuno Carvalho (PSD) também participou no debate com a seguinte intervenção:

Thank you, Mister Chairman.

Well, first of all, I would like to congratulate the rapporteur on this very important subject. In this report, you

talk about the prevention, the action, and the consequence of climate change and this is not something that we

should talk about a few times, this is something that we should underline very, very much.

You know there is a statement that everyone is using now which is: the climate is changing, and so should

we. And the fact is that we should change our behaviour right now – in order to materialise the necessary

prevention of the climate change that we are currently suffering. Of course, that is only developed by a very

large number of policies which, of course, should also include some of the dimensions that you approach in this

report. But I would like specifically to take a closer look at the actions that are necessary in order to help the

climate refugees that may suffer these consequences because this is a very, very important matter in which we

should take a major alert because in Europe right now, we are suffering a double threat: the war and climate

change. And both of them do represent a very, very big risk for European citizens because they both originate

refugees and they both devastate countries. So this is a very, very important subject that is being held in

debate here.

A brief note regarding the long-term effects of climate change, which I think is also important to introduce in

this debate. And I mention this because, particularly in Portugal, we are suffering from a very slow but very,

very important impact regarding our seaside because with the possibility of floods, particularly in my city which

is a peninsula, we probably will lose a great part of our territory and we will become an island.

And this is not a very distant reality. So it is also very important to understand that we might have another

dimension in the future in which we must take a deeper look and will also generate, of course, climate refugees

in a different way but of course, there will also be climate refugees.

So regarding this, I think that this is very important – just as I mentioned – and we might say that we do not

have a perfect plan for the future, but it is best to have a plan and act now, because we do not have time for a

perfect plan tomorrow. Tomorrow is too late. So, this is a very important subject and I would like once again to

congratulate the rapporteur.

Thank you.