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508-(16) II SÉRIE — NÚMERO 53

Annex becomes redundant in any employment in that territory, the competent authority of that territory shall use its best endeavours to enable him to obtain suitable employment which does not prejudice national workers, and shall take such steps as will ensure his maintenance pending placing in suitable employment or his resettlement elsewhere.


1 — The competent authorities of the territories concerned shall enter into agreements for the purpose of regulating matters of common concern arising in connection with the application of the provisions of this Annex.

2 —Where the Members maintain a system of supervision over contracts of employment, such agreements shall indicate the methods by which the contractual obligations of the employer shall by enforced.

3—Such agreements shall provide, where appropriate, for co-operation between the competent authority of the territory of emigration or a body established in accordance with the terms of an international instrument and the competent authority of the territory of immigration, in respect of the assistance to be given to migrants concerning their conditions of employment in virtue of the provisions of article 8.


Any person who promotes clandestine or illegal immigration shall be subject to appropriate penalties.




1 — Personal effects belonging do recruited migrants for employment and members of their families who have been authorized to accompany or join them shall be exempt from customs duties on arrival in the territory of immigration.

2 — Portable hand-tools and portable equipment of the kind normally owned by workers for the carrying out of their particular trades belonging to recruited migrants for employment and members of their families who have been authorized to accompany or join them shall be exempt from customs duties on arrival in the territory of immigration if such tools and equipment can be shown at the time of importation to be in their actual ownership or possession, to have been in their possession and use for an appreciable time, and to be intended to be used by them in the course of their occupation.


1 — Personal effects belonging to migrants for employment and members of their families who have been authorized to accompany or join them shall be exempt from customs duties on the return of the said

persons to their country of origin if such persons have retained the nationality of that country at the time of their return there.

2 — Portable hand-tools and portable equipment of the kind normally owned by workers for the carrying out of their particular trades belonging to migrants for employment and members of their families who have been authorized to accompany or join them shall be exempt from customs duties on return of the said persons to their country of origin if such persons have retained the nationality of that country at the time of their return there and if such tools and equipment can be shown at the time of importation to be in their actual ownership or possession, to have been in their possession and use for an appreciable time, and to be intended to be used by them in the course of their ocupation.

Convenção 31.º 97


A Conferência Geral da Organização Internacional

do Trabalho,

Convocada para Genebra pelo Conselho de Administração do Secretariado Internacional do Trabalho, onde reuniu, em 8 de Junho de 1949, na sua trigésima segunda sessão,

Após ter decidido adoptar diversas propostas relativas à revisão da Convenção sobre os Trabalhadores Migrantes, 1939, adoptada pela Conferência na sua vigésima quinta sessão, questão que está compreendida no décimo primeiro ponto da ordem do dia da sessão,

Considerando que as propostas devem tomar a forma de uma convenção internacional,

adopta, neste primeiro dia de Julho de 1949, a Convenção seguinte, que será denominada Convenção sobre os Trabalhadores Migrantes (revista), 1949:


Os Membros da Organização Internacional do Trabalho para os quais a presente Convenção esteja em vigor comprometem-se a pôr à disposição do Secretariado Internacional do Trabalho e de todos os outros Membros, a seu pedido:

a) Informações sobre a política e a legislação na-

cionais relativas à emigração e à imigração;

b) Informações sobre as disposições particulares

relativas ao movimento dos trabalhadores migrantes e às suas condições de trabalho e vida;

c) Informações relativas aos acordos gerais e aos

arranjos particulares concluídos nestas matérias pelo Membro em questão.


Os Membros para os quais a presente Convenção esteja em vigor comprometem-se a ter, ou a assegurar a existência de um serviço gratuito apropriado encarregado de ajudar os trabalhadores migrantes e, nomeadamente, de lhes fornecer informações exactas.