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ARTICLE II Siatus of the UNHCR Branch Office

Section 2

The premises of the UNHCR Branch Office and the residence of the representative and his Deputy shall be inviolable.

Section 3

The appropriate Portuguese authorities shall exercise due diligence to censure the security and protection of the premises of the UNHCR Branch Office and of the UNHCR staff.

Section 4

The appropriate Portuguese authorities shall exercise their respective powers to ensure that the UNHCR Branch Offce shall be supplied with the necessary public services and that such public services shall be supplied on equitable terms. The UNHCR Branch Office shall enjoy privileged treatment for the use of telephone, radio-telegraph and mail communication facilities in the same conditions that are normally accorded and extended to diplomatic missions.

ARTICLE III Facilities and services Section 5

The Government shall .provide, free of cost, appropriate office space for the UNHCR Branch Office.

ARTICLE IV Officials of the UNHCR

Section 6

Officials of the UNHCR, except those who are locally xecruited or have Portuguese nationality or permanent foreign residents of Portugal, shall enjoy, within and with respect to Portugal, the following privileges and immunities:

a) Immunity from legal process of any kind in

respect of words spoken or written, and of acts performed by them in their official capacity; such immunity to continue notwithstanding that the persons concerned may have ceased do be officials of the UNHCR;

b) Immunity from seizure of their official bag-


c) Immunity from inspection of official baggage;

d) Exemption from taxation in respect of the

salaries, emoluments, indemnities and pensions paid to them by the UNHCR for services past or present or in connexion with their service with the UNHCR;

e) Exemption from any form of taxation on

income derived by them from sources outside Portugal;

f) Exemption, with respect to themselves, their

spouses, their dependents, relatives and

other members of their households from immigration restrictions and alien resgistration;

g) Immunity from national service obligations,

with the exception of the military service;

h) The same privileges in respect of exchange

facilities as are accorded to officials of comparable ranks forming part of diplomatic missions. In particular UNHCR officials shall have the rigth, at the termination of their assignment to Portugal, to take out of Portugal through authorized channels without prohibition or restriction, their funds in the same amounts as they had brought into Portugal as well as any other funds for the lawful possession of which they can show good cause: 0 The same protection and repatriation facilities with respect to themselves, their spouses, their dependent relatives and other members of their households as are accorded in time of international crisis to diplomatic envoys; and

j) The rigth to import for personal use, free of duty and other levies, prohibitions and restrictions on imports:

i) Their furniture and effects in one or more separate shipments, and thereafter to import necessary additions to the same, including motor vehicles, according to the Portuguese legislation applicable to diplomatic representatives accredited in Portugal;

ii) Reasonable quantities of certain articles for personal use or consumption and for gift or sale.

Section 7

In addition to the privileges and immunities specified in section 6 the representative of the High Commissioner and his Deputy shall enjoy, in respect to themselves, their spouses, their dependent relatives and other members of their households, the privileges and immunities, exemptions and facilities normally accorded to diplomatic envoys of comparable rank. They shall for this purpose be incorporated by the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs into the diplomatic list.

Section 8

Officials of the UNHCR, locally recruited, of Portuguese nationality or permanent foreign residents in Portugal shall enjoy only, within and with respect to Portugal, the privileges and immunities referred to in letters a), b), c), d) and g) of section 6 of this Agreement.

The conditions of works of these officials shall be solely governed by the provisions of the staff rules and regulations of the United Nations. No staff member can claim additional rights than those defined on said staff rules and regulations.