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reached by the use of the procedures for the working out of tariffs established by bodies of international' nature recognised by both Contracting Parties.

4 — The tariffs so agreed shall be submitted for the approval of the Aeronautical' Authorities of both Parties at least sixty days before the proposed date of their introduction; in special cases, this period may be reduced, subject to the agreement of the said Authorities.

5 — This approval may be given expressly. If neither of the Aeronautical Authorities 'has expressed their disapproval within thirty days from the date of submission in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article, these tariffs shall be considered as approved. In the event of the period' for submission, being reduced, as provided for in paragraph 4, the Aeronautical Authorities may agree .that the period within which any disapproval must be notified shall be less than thirty days.

6 — If the designated airlines cannot agree on one or more tariffs or if for any other reason a tariff cannot be established in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this article or if during the first thirty days of the period of sixty days referred to in paragraph 4 of this article the Aeronautical Authorities of a Contracting Party notify the Aeronautical Authorities of the other Contracting Party of their disapproval of any tariff submitted in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article, the Aeronautical Autori-ties of both Contracting Parties shall endeavour to determine the tariff by mutual agreement.

7 — If the Aeronautical Authorities cannot agree on any tariff submitted to them under paragraph 4 of this article, or on the determination of any tariff under paragraph 6 of this article, the dispute shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of articles 17 and 20 of the present Agreement.

8 — Except as provided under paragraph 7 of the present article, no tariff shall become effective unless approved by the Aeronautical Authorities of both Contracting Parties.

9 _ A tariff established in accordance with the provisions of this article shall remain in .force until' a new tariff has been established. Nevertheless a tariff shall not be prolonged by virtue of this paragraph for more than twelve months after the date on which it otherwise would have expired.

ARTICLE 12 (Direct transit)

1 — Passengers, baggage and cargo in .direct transit across the territory of a Contracting Party shall be subject to no more than a simplified control, provided they remain in the areas of the ainport reserved for that purpose.

2 — Baggage and cargo in direct transit shall be exempt from customs duties and other similar taxes.

ARTICLE 13 (Charges)

1 — Charges relating to the use of airports including its installations and facilities as well as charges for the use of air navigation facilities shall be established in accordance with the regulations in force in the territory of the other Contracting Party.

2 — Either Contracting Party agrees, however, that the amount of those charges shall not be higher than those imposed on national or foreign aircraft engaged in similar internacional services for the use of airports its facilities and services.


(Exemption from duties, charges and taxes on aircraft and supplies)

1 — Aircraft operated on international services by the designated airline of a Contracting Party, its regular equipment, fuel and lubricants, as well as stores on board (including food, beverages, tobacco and other articles for sale in limited quantities to passengers on board the aircraft) shall on arriving in the territory of the other Contracting Party, be exempt from aÜ customs duties, inspection fees and other taxes or fees, provided they remain on board the aircraft until they are re-exported or until they are used on part of the route over said territory.

2 — The following shall also be exempt from said customs duties and fees, payments relating to services performed being excepted:

a) Stores on board taken in the territory of a

Contracting Party within the limits established by the Authorities of said Contracting Party for use on aircraft operating international services of the other Contracting Party;

b) Spare parts and regular aircraft equipment

imported into the territory of a Contracting Party for the maintenance or repair of aircraft operating international services of .the airline designated by the other Contracting Party;

c) Fuel' and lubricants for the supply of aircraft

operating international air services of a Contracting Party, even when such fuel and . lubricants are used on part of a route over the territory of the Contracting Party where they were loaded.

3 — Should the laws and regulations of either Contracting Party so require, the goods referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 above may be placed under the supervision or control of the customs authorities.

4 — Regular aircraft equipment as well as goods and stores on board the aircraft of a Contracting Party may be unloaded in the territory of the other Contracting Party only with the approval of the customs authorities of such Party. In such a case they may be placed under the supervision of the said authorities up to such time as they are re-exported or otherwise disposed of, in accordance with the applicable customs regulations.

ARTICLE 15 (Technical and commercial representation)

' 1 — The designated airline of a Contracting Party shall have the right to maintain in the territory of the other Contracting Party a representation comprising technical personnel and commercial personnel for the performance of the agreed services.