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ARTICLE VI Disputes — Entry Into force — Termination

1 — If any dispute arises relating to the implementation or interpretation of the present Agreement, there shall be mutual consultations between the two Parties with a view to secure a successful implementation of the Project.

2 — The present Agreement shall enter into force upon its signatare and shall remain valid until the date both parties have fulfilled all obligations arising from it. However, the Agreement will not become effective until the loan to finance Norwegian deliveries becomes effective.

Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, each of the contracting Parties shall be entitled to terminate the present Agreement by giving six months written notice to the other.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present Agreement in two originals in the English language.

Done ta Aalesund this 1st day of July 1980.

For the Government of the Portuguese Republic:

(Assinatura ilegível.)

For the Government of the Kingdom of Norway. (Assinatura ilegível.)


Project description for the Laboratory Project under the Agreement between the Government of Portugal and the Government of Norway.


I — The Portuguese authorities have decided to build a national laboratory for engineering and industrial research — LNETI.

. In 2979 Det Norske Veritas in co-operation with LNETI made a pre-srudy financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. . The pre-study recommended the building of a new laboratory Campus of 19 400 ra2 laboratory and office aiea with the possibility to expand at a later date to 40 000 m2.

To restrict the Project to a budget-frame of 100 mill. Norwegian Kroner, a concentration of 3 main laboratory activities was decided:

1) Central Laboratory for Industrial Analysis


2) Laboratories of Metallurgy and Metallome-

chanics R&D;

3) Laboratories for Electrical Equipment and

Electronics R&D.

The building site was chosen at Lumiar, Lisboa, and another site at Sacavem was purchased, as reserve.

The pre-Project was presented to the municipal authorities in Lisboa and approval of the LNETI purchase and building at Lumiar site was given December 29 th, 1979.

The Project consists of 3 main laboratory buildings (13 000 m2), 1 office building (6000 m2) and a service area building (400 m2).

Total price frame is fixed at 94.4 mill. Norwegian Kroner with the following financial sources:


LNETI's own investment .................... 28.6

Loan on Norwegian deliveries from Ex-

" portfinans, A/S ................... ......... 45.8

Norwegian grant .............................. 20.0


Due to the established economical frame, the Project size (mJ) will be reduced with increased cost.

The time schedule for the Project is based on an erection time of 22 months, with a start on site es-cavation on September 1st, 1980.

Project work started in December 1979 with architects' preliminary Project.

Projecting and consulting assistance will be given continuously during the building period to reduce time and cost.

It is expected that Norwegian firms, in direct co-operation with Portuguese contractors, will enter into contracts for delivery of goods, licences and transfer of know-how to a value of 53 mill. Norwegian Kroner.

The construction will be based on concrete structures with aluminium curtain walls and internal sectioning.

The architecture will be expressed by maintenance-free concrete and aluminium construction with external sun-shading.

Buildings will have air conditioning, acoustic sound treatment and will be given a sober and representative expression. Special arrangement will be made for insulation and heat economy.

To obtain an effective co-ordination between Portuguese and Norwegian contractors and to assist in a successful progress of the Project, management service and architectural assistance will be offered by Norway.

Det Norske Veritas will take part in the impie-mentation of the Project as permanent member of the Project management gabinet and the steering committee.

To make use of the Norwegian experience in planning the new laboratory activities, a separate contract will be made to continue the preliminary study in planning and programming LNETI's new and present activities.

The installation at the new Lumiar laboratory campus will be based on this study.

II — A maximum of 4 100 000 Norwegian Kroner form the grant shall be used for a training and educational programme for LNETI personnel and for industrial seminars.

This will cover a 2 '/2 years programme with courses and practical training in Norway and at LNETI's laboratories in Lisboa.

The programme aims specially at establishing new services by LNETI to the Portuguese industry within the fields of computer application to industrial technology and management, laboratory services within metallurgical material testing, metaÚomechanics, electrical and electronical instrumentation and quality control.