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tions of which it is responsible, or to one or more of them. Such a declaration shall take effect on the date of entry into force of the Convention for the State


At any tme thereafter, such extensions shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

The extension will have effect only as regards the relations with such Contracting States as will have declared their acceptance of the extensions. Such a declaration shall be deposited at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands; this Ministry shall forward, through diplomatic channels, a certified copy to each of the Contracting States.

The extension will take effect in each case sixty days after the deposit of the declaration of acceptance.


The present Convention shall remain in force for five years from the date of its entry into force in accordance with the first paragraph of article 27, even for States which have ratified it or acceded to it subsequently.

If there has been no denunciation, it shall be renewed tacitly every five years.

Any denunciation shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, at least six months before the end of the five years period.

It may be limited to certain of the territories to which the Convention applies.

The denunciation shall have effect only as regards the State which has notified it. The Convention shall remain in force for the other Contracting States.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands shall give notice to the States referred to in article 26, and to the States which have acceded in accordance with article 28, of the following:

a) The signatures and ratifications referred to in

article 26;

b) The date on which the present Convention

enters into force in accordance with the first paragraph of article 27;

c) The accessions referred to in article 28 and

the dates on which they take effect;

d) The extensions referred to in article 29 and

the dates on which they take effect;

e) The denunciations referred to in article 30;

/) The reservations and withdrawals referred to in articles 19, 20, 21, 24 and 25;

g) The declarations referred to in articles 22, 23 28 and 29.

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed the present Convention.

Done at The Hague, on the first day of June, 1970, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be de-

posited in the archives of the Government of the Netherlands, and of which a certified copy shall be sent, through the diplomatic channel, to each of the States represented at the Eleventh Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.

For the Federal Republic of Germany:

For Austria:

For Belgium:

For Canada:

For Denmark:

For Spain:

For the United States of America:

For Finland:

For France:

For Greece:

For Irland:

For Israel:

For Italy:

For Japan:

For Luxembourg:

For Norway:

For the Netherlands:

For Portugal:

For the United Arab Republic:

For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:

Edward E. Tomkins.

For Sweden: For Switzerland: For Cztchoslovakia: For Turkey: For Yugoslavia:


Os Estados signatários da presente Convenção,

Desejando facilitar o reconhecimento de divórcios e separações de pessoas obtidos nos seus respectivos territórios,