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changes in the number of members of the Bank, the board of governors shall first consider whether any amendments are required to this annex, and may make any such amendments as it deems necessary as part of such decision.


Assignment of votes

Any governor who does not participate in voting for the election or whose vote does not contribute to the election of a director under section A or section B (/') or section B (//) or section B (Hi) of this annex may assign the votes to which he or she is entitled to an elected director, provided that such governor shall first have obtained the agreement of all those governors who have elected that director to such assignment.

A decision by any governor not to participate in voting for the election of a director shall not affect the calculation of the eligible votes to be made under section A, section B (/'), section B (ii) or section B (Hi) of this annex.

For the Government of Australia: Paul Keating.

For the Government of the Republic of Austria: Ferdinand Lacina.

For the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium: Philippe Maystadt.

For the Government of the Popular Republic of Bulgaria:

Beltcheco Beltchev.

For the Government of Canada:

Giles Loisetle. Claude T. Charland.

For the Government of the Republic of Cyprus: Georges Syrimib.

For the Government of the Tcheck and Slovack Federative Republic:

Vaclav Klaus.

For the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark: llffe Ellemann-Jensen.

For the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt:

Yousri Mustafa.

For the Government of the Republic of Finland: Pertti Salolainen.

For the Government of the French Republic:

Roland Dumas. Pierre Bérégovoy.

For the Government of the German Democratic Republic:

Walter Romberg.

For the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany:

Théo Waigel.

For the Government of the Hellenic Republic: Ephtimios Christodovlou.

For the Government of the Republic of Hungary: Perenc Rabar.

For the Government of the Republic of Iceland: Jon Sigurdsson.

For the Government of Ireland: Albert Reynolds.

For the Government of the State of Israel: Michael Bruno.

For the Government of the Italian Republic: Guido Carli.

For the Government of Japan: Tara Nakayama.

For the Government of the Republic of Korea: Chung Yung-Fuy.