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9 DE MARÇO DE 1991


For the Principality of Liechtenstein: Hans Brunhart.

For the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg:

Jacques Santer.

For the Government of Malta: Georges Bonelio du Puis.

For the Government of Mexico: Pedro Aspe.

For the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco: Mohamed Berrada.

For the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands:

Cees Maas.

For the Government of the New Zealand: Peter Neilson.

For the Government of the Kingdom of Norway: Arne Skauge.

For the Government of the Republic of Poland: Leszek Balcerowicz.

For the Government of the Republic of Portugal:

Jodo de Deus Pinheiro. Miguel Beleza.

For the Government of Romania: Sergi'u Celac.

For the Government of the Kingdom of Spain: Carlos Solchaga.

For the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden: Allan Larsson.

For the Government of the Swiss Confederation: Jean-Pascal Delamuraz.

For the Government of the Republic of Turkey: Ali Bozer.

For the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:

Victor V. Guerachtchenko.

For the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:

John Major. Ewen Fergusson.

For the Government of the United States of America:

Nicholas Brady.

For the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia:

Branko Zekan.

For the European Economic Community: Albert Reynolds.

For the European Investment Bank: Henning Christophersen.




I — Objecto, funções e membros. II — Capital.

III — Operações.

IV — Poderes de contracção de empréstimos e outros poderes. V — Moeda.

VI — Organização e administração.

VII — Exoneração e suspensão dos membros, suspensão temporária e cessação definitiva das operações do Banco. VIII — Estatuto, imunidades, privilégios e isenções.

IX — Alterações, interpretação, arbitragem.

X — Disposições finais. Anexo A.

Anexo B.