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Pela Australia:

Por Barbados:

Peter Simmons.

Pela Bélgica:

Erik Derycke.

Pelo Chile:

John Biehl del Rio.

Pela Costa Rica:

Rubén Hernández Valle.

Pela Dinamarca:

Gunnar Ortmann.

Pela Finlandia: Mauri Eggert.

Pela India:

Pela Holanda:

Pela Noruega: Ketil B0rde.

Por Portugal:

Vasco Teixeira da Cunha Valente.

Pela África do Sul: Aziz Pahad.

Por Espanha:

Camilio Barcia.

Pela Suécia:

Lena Hjelm-Wallén.


The Parties signatory hereto:

Noting that the concepts of democracy, pluralism and free and fair elections are taking root worldwide;

Noting that democracy is essential for promoting and guaranteeing human rights and that participation in political life, including government, is part of human rights, proclaimed and guaranteed by international treaties and declarations;

Noting also that the ideas of sustainable democracy, good governance, accountability and transparency have become central to policies for national and international development;

Recognizing that strengthening democratic institutions, nationally, regionally and globally is con-

ducive to preventive diplomacy, thereby promote ing the establishment of a better world order; Understanding thai democratic and electoral processes require continuity and a long-term perspective;

Wishing to advance and implement universally held norms, values and practices;

Aware that pluralism presupposes actors and national and international organizations with distinctly different tasks and mandates that cannot be subsumed by others;

Realizing that a meeting place for all those involved would sustain and advance professionalism and systematic capacity building;

Considering that a complementary international institute in this field is required:

have agreed as follows:

Article I Eslablishement, location and status

1 — The Parties to this Agreement hereby establish the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, as an international organisation, hereinafter referred to as the Institute or International IDEA.

2 — The headquarters of the Institute shall be in Stockholm, unless the Council decides to relocate the Institute elsewhere. The Institute may establish offices in other locations as required to support its programs.

3 — International IDEA shall possess full juridical personality and enjoy such capacities as may be necessary to exercise its functions and fulfil its objectives, inter alia, the capacity to:

a) Acquire and dispose of real and personal property;

b) Enter into contracts and other types of agreements;

c) Employ persons and accept seconded personnel on loan;

d) Institute and defend in legal proceedings;

e) Invest the money and properties of the Institute; and

f) Take other lawful action necessary to accomplish the objectives of the Institute.

Article II Objectives and activities

1 — The objectives of the Institute are:

a) To promote and advance sustainable democracy worldwide;

b) To improve and consolidate democratic electoral processes worldwide;

c) To broaden the understanding and promote the implementation and dissemination of the norms, rules and guidelines that apply to multi-party pluralism and democratic processes;

d) To strengthen and support national capacity to develop the full range of democratic instruments;

e) To provide a meeting-place for exchanges between all those involved in electoral processes in the context of democratic institution-building;

f) To increase knowledge and enhance learning about democratic electoral processes;