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2 DE MAIO DE 1998


g) To promote transparency and accountability, professionalism and efficiency in the electoral process in the context of democratic development.

2 — In order to accomplish the foregoing objectives, the Institute may engage in the following type of activities:

a) Develop networks globally in the sphere of electoral processes; •

b) Establish and maintain information services;

c) Provide advice, guidance and support on the role of government and opposition, political parties, electoral commissions, an independent judiciary, the media and other aspects of the electoral process in a pluralistic democratic context;

d) Encourage research and the dissemination and application of research findings within the institute's sphere of competence;

e) Organize and facilitate seminars, workshops and training on free and fair elections in the context of pluralistic democratic systems;

f) Engage in other activities related to elections and democracy as the need arises.

. 3 — The members and associate members subscribe to the objectives and activities of the Institute as stated in this article and undertake to further them and assist the Institute to carry out its program of work.

Article III Cooperative relationships

The Institute may establish cooperative relationships with other institutions.

Article IV Membership

1 — Members of the Institute are:

a.) Governments of States Parties to this Agreement;

b) Intergovernmental organizations parties to this Agreement.

2 — Associate members of the Institute are international non-governmental organizations. Such organizations must have as members properly constituted organizations or a combination of organizations and individuals, with defined rules governing the admissions of members. The organization must include members from at least seven States. The organization should have a functional and professional role relevant to the Institute's sphere of activity.

3 — An international non-governmental organization may at any time notify the Secretary General of its request to become an associate member of the Institute.

4 — At no time shall the number of associate members exceed that of members of the Institute.

Article V Finance

1 —The Institute shall obtain its financial resources through such means as voluntary contributions and donations by governments and others; publications and other service revenue, interest income from, trusts, endowments and bank accounts.

2—The Parties to this Agreement shall not be required to provide financial support to the Institute beyond voluntary contributions. Nor shall they be responsible, individually or collectively, for any debts, liabilities or obligations of the Institute.

3—The Institute shall establish arrangements satisfactory to the Government of the country in which the headquarters are located with a view to ensuring the Institute's ability to meet its obligations.

Article VI Organs

The Institute shall consist of a Council, a Nominating Committee, a Board of Directors («Board»), a Secretary General and a Secretariat.

Article VII The Council

1 — The Council shall be composed of one representative of each member and associate member of the Institute.

2 — The Council shall meet once a year in ordinary sessions. An extraordinary session of the Council shall be convened:

a) Upon the invitation of the Board of Directors;

b) Upon the initiative of one third of the Council's members.

3 — Observers may be invited to Council meetings, but have no right to vote.

4 — The Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure, and elect a chairman for each meeting.

5 — The Council shall:

a) Give the overall direction of the Institute's work;

b) Review the activités of the Institute;

. c) Approve by a two-thirds majority new members and associate members of the Institute, upon recommendation by the Board; . d) Consider and decide by a two-thirds majority on suspension of members and associate members, upon recommendation by the Board; , e) Appoint the members and the Chairman of the Board;

f) Appoint the Nominating Committee;

g) Appoint the auditors;

h) Approve the audited financial statements.

6 — Decisions of the Council shall be taken by consensus. If all efforts have been made and no consensus is reached the Chairman may decide to proceed to a formal vote. A formal vote shall also be held if so requested by a voting member. Except when this Agreement provides otherwise, a formal vote of the Council shall be made, by a simple majority of the votes cast. Each member of the Council shall be entitled to one vote,