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the member countries, the president of the Directive Council may convene ordinary meetings in any other city of said countries.

Paragraph III — It is the duty of the secretary-general of CLAD to prepare the proposed tentative agenda for the meeting upon consultation and approval of the president, who shall forward same to the representatives of the member countries, no later than forty days prior to each meeting.

Paragraph IV — The secretary-general shall attend both the annual and special meetings with authority to speak but not to vote with the exception of those cases set forth in itemg) under article 35.

Article 11

The Directive Council shall hold valid sessions with the presence of at least two-thirds of its members on the first notice for a meeting, and with the absolute majority in case of a second notice.

Article 12

The decisions of the Directive Council shall be adopted with a simple majority of approving votes of the members present at each session, once the statutory quorum is present, except as otherwise provided in the present Regulations. '

CHAPTER IV Of the attributions and duties of the Directive Council

Article 13

It is the duty of the Directive Council of CLAD:

a) To dictate the general norms and policies to be applied by CLAD;

b) To know and decide on the draft report on the budgetary results and the programs in force pursuant to the provisions of article 37 hereunder which is submitted for approval;

c) To study and approve at its meetings the programs and budgets which, after being prepared by the secretary-general and once they have been decided on by the Programming and Evaluation Commission, have received the approval of the president, or those that are recommended by the members;

d) To determine the place where the headquarters of CLAD shall be located;

e) To set the amount of the contributions of the member countries for financing its operations. Ordinary contributions shall be fixed on the basis of a common standard which shall be set by the Council itself. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31;

f) To approve its own regulations and those of the General Secretariat as well as any other instruments and amendments which may be deemed necessary;

g) To study and approve the amendments to the Accession Agreement of the Centre on its own initiative or at the request of one-third of its members, with the approving vote of at least two-thirds of the total number of members with the right to vote;

h) To designate the secretary-general through the vote of approval of at least two-thirds of the

total number of member countries present in the first instance, or by an absolute majority of the said countries at a second round, in which case only the first two majorities shall participate. If an absolute majority is still not reached, he shall be elected at a third round by an absolute majority of the votes which selected a particular candidate only;

/) To remove the secretary-general in the event of serious fault or when his performance endangers the aims of the Centre pursuant to the provisions of the Directive Council itself through the vote of approval of at least two-thirds of the total number of member countries present;

j) To decide on any subject submitted to its consideration;

k) To resolve upon the pertinent measures to take in order to correct a situation of repeated and unjustifiable failure to fulfil the obligations derived from article 41. The loss of the status of full member may even be considered, in which case the country would become a mere observer member. These decisions shall be made with the approval of at least two-thirds of the member countries present;

/) To construe in the last instance and complement the provisions of the Accession Agreement and any other agreements which govern the functioning of CLAD; m) To approve the negotiations which have been promoted with governments or other national or international organizations, establishing the norms and methods to be observed in that respect, and to authorize the president to proceed with their formalization;

n) To request ad hoc reports from the secretary-general when so decided by the majority of the members present at the meetings;

n) To ensure the enforcement of the agreements and regulations which have been duly issued;

6) To assign functions which are not stated in the present regulations, to the president of the Directive Council, to formalize his attributions by a vote of approval of at least two-thirds oi the total number of members present;

p) To designate the representatives of the countries to the Programming and Evaluation Commission, as well as to establish any other commissions and working groups that may be deemed necessary;

q) To approve the administrative staff submitted to its consideration by the president upon the proposal of the secretary-general.

CHAPTER V Of the attributions and duties of the president

Article 14

The president shall have the function of strategic guidance, supervision and control of the activities of the Centre pursuant to the programming and budgetary guidelines approved by the Directive Council. He shall be vested with the following powers and duties:

a) To represent the Directive Council in all legal, contractual, technical, administrative and any other matters pertaining to same;