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make joint dealings in order to ensure its implementation, also appointing the director responsible for the program.

Each program shall be governed by the terms of reference set forth by the Directive Council at the beginning of the same.

Seventh. Each of the programs of the Centre shall be administered as an identified unit under the immediate responsibility of its director and based on its own objectives, resources, organization and location. Therefore, the Centre shall be able to undertake different programs in various countries simultaneously and in those areas in which they are specialized or particularly interested. The directors of the programs developed by the Centre shall be supervised by the Directive Council or by any of its members specially appointed to this end by the same, rendering an account to the Directive Council of all their activities within such periods, terms, places and dates set forth by the Council. The member countries shall be able to appoint the number of national officials they may deem convenient to participate in the activities scheduled in the programs of the Centre.

Eighth. The Latin American States shall be able to adhere to this Agreement by means of a written notice forwarded to the Government of Venezuela, which shall proceed to inform the other members of the Agreement in this respect. The Government of the country where the headquarters of the Centre is located shall promote the adhesion to the Latin American Centre for Development Administration among the Latin American States.

Ninth. This Agreement shall be in force from the date of its signature and the Member States shall be able to withdraw from the same upon a written notification made with six months in advance to the Government of Venezuela, which shall inform the other Member States accordingly.

In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective governments, sign the three copies of this Agreement in the city of Caracas this thirty day of the month of June of nineteen hundred seventy:rwo.

Venezuela by:

RodolfoJose Cardenas, deputy Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mexico by:

Alejandro Carrillo Castro, general director of Administrative Studies of the Presidency.

Peru by:

Luis Barrios Llona, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary.


CHAPTER I Of the objectives and structure of CLAD

Article 1

The Latin American Centre for Development Administration (CLAD) is an international governmental organization, established by virtue of an agreement signed by the Governments of Mexico, Peru and Ven-

ezuela on 30 June, 1972, which operates through international cooperation programmes.

Article 2

The objective of CLAD is to promote discussion and exchange of experiences on state reform and, particularly, public administration reform among its member countries.

Article 3

To achieve the objectives set out in the previous article, CLAD shall prioritize adoption of the following • modalities:

I) To serve as a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experiences on processes of state and public administration reform, modernisation and improvement in the member countries;

II) To promote the holding of conferences, congresses, seminars and courses on the above fields;

III) To carry out and foster the horizontal transfer of administrative technologies and, particularly, to encourage the exchange of experiences among member countries;

IV) To exchange information, publish and disseminate scientific and theoretical publications on the subject of public administration and state reform;

V) To promote and carry out applied research in priority aspects of state reform and public administration;

VI) To provide information through electronic information networks;

VII) To coordinate relations with post-graduate courses relating to state reform and public administration.

Article 4

The organic structure of the Centre is composed by: I) The Directive Council;

II) The Programming and Evaluation Commission;

III) The Board of Directors;

IV) The General Secretariat.

CHAPTER II Of the members of CLAD

Article 5

The members of CLAD are those countries of Latm America, the Caribbean and the Iberian Peninsula that have signed the corresponding Accession Agreements pursuant to the provisions set forth in clause eighth of the Accession Agreement of the Centre and those set forth hereunder.

Paragraph I — The rights and duties of the member countries shall be enforced from the date the Accession Agreement is signed. This enforcement may be postponed for a later date to be expressly set due to special reasons and provided that the parties are in agreement therefore.

Paragraph II — Should a member country of CLAD decide to withdraw from the organization, it shall forward a formal communication to the president of the Centre in that respect. The withdrawal of the member