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una propuesta genérica o específica a iniciativa de a lo menos un tercio dé los Estados presentes en esa reunión. También podrá iniciar una propuesta de reforma estatutaria la Mesa Directiva, siempre y cuando se cumpla con los siguientes requisitos:

a) Que lá correspondiente reunión de la Mesa Directiva sea convocada con el propósito expreso de proponer una reforma estatutaria;

b) Que a la referida reunión de la Mesa Directiva hayan sido convocados todos los representantes de los países miembros, con una anticipación mínima de un mes, y

c) Que la propuesta de modificación sea aceptada por unanimidad.

Las propuestas específicas serán presentadas a la siguiente reunión del Consejo Directivo que en ningún caso podrá celebrarse antes de los 60 días de la reunión que propuso las reformas y se considerarán aprobadas si reúnen a lo menos los votos de los dos tercios de los Estados presentes.


Las materias no tratadas en el presente Estatuto serán resueltas según el caso por el organismo del Centro a quien le corresponda.


The Governments of Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, whereas:

Several Latin American countries have made efforts during the last years aimed at reforming their public administrations according to rigur-ous reviewing criteria regarding their structures and functions departing from overall normative models and global or special diagnoses of the public administration as a whole or of some of its most strategic components that may allow for coherent reform proposals;

This attempt to set forth a radical proposal of the public structures and functions demands the growing utilization of interdisciplinary theories, doctrines and techniques pertaining to such sciences as political, economy and law, as well as general sociology and the historic evolution of the region;

Without prejudice of the proper characteristics of each Latin American country and of each of its forms of government the region shares a common administrative problem, which is reflected in the similarity observed in the approaches of each government to their reform proposals;

It is advisable to make joint efforts and to take advantage of the still insufficient human and material resources of the countries, avoiding as much as possible to undertake similar programs in a separate manner;

This kind of integration effort should be designed and operated with great flexibility in order to privilege the individualized products brought about by the cooperation, instead of creating

institutions whose products may not always be in agreement with the needs of the public administrations involved; Nonetheless, the institutionalization of an intergovernmental body devoted to the performance of said programs and in charge of supervising the elaboration of the products is essential, for which reason the Government of Venezuela has submitted to the consideration of all the Latin American countries a project for a Latin American Centre for Development Administration, with the favorable opinion of a considerable number of them;

Each of these programs should comply with its own — purposes and produce the expected final results headed by a responsible and independent direction— within die scheduled terms and with its own human and financial resources;

it is resolved to constitute the Latin American Centre for Development Administration (CLAD), giving the opportunity to the remaining Latin American states to adhere to said Centre as members, under the following provisions:

First. The Latin American Centre for Development Administration (CLAD) shall be entrusted with the implementation of international cooperation programs, dealing with the topics related to public administration reform that its Directive Council deems relevant.

Second. The headquarters of the Centre shall be located in the Latin American city determined by the Directive Council for a period of no less than three years.

Third. The Centre shall be headed by a Directive Council integrated by the higher authorities in charge of the administrative reform programs in each country, or by the governmental representatives appointed by the member countries.

The Directive Council shall have a president and a vice-president. The president shall be elected within the Directive Council by absolute majority, and shall perform his duties during a three-year period at the headquarters of the Centre. The vice-president shall perform duties as such during one year. This position shall be occupied successively and in alphabetical order by the representatives of the member countries belonging to the Directive Council, after the first election. The internal bylaws shall be prepared by the Directive Council, including provisions regarding the functions of the president and vice-president.

Fourth. The expenses related to the functioning of the Directive Council shall be covered by the country in which the headquarters of the Centre is located.

Fifth. The activities of the Centre shall be performed through several programs to be determined by the Directive Council. Each program shall be headed by a director, and the Directive Council shall be in charge of his appointment and dismissal. Each director shall be free to appoint and remove the personnel working for the program under his responsibility.

Sixth. Any member of the Directive Council may propose the creation of the programs of the Centre, establishing and giving reasons for the objectives to be fulfilled, as well as for their final products, duration, organization, coordination, human and material requirements, location and cost estimates. Once the initiative is approved by the majority of the members of the Directive Council, all of them shall commit themselves to