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country shall become effective one year after the date of reception of the above communication.

Article 6

The observer members are those countries not belonging to the region which have been invited by CLAD and have formally accepted to join the same by means of a written notification addressed to the president of the Directive Council.

The observer member countries shall have the right to participate in the programmes of activities of the institution and in the meetings of the Directive Council. Their representatives shall have the rights and duties set forth in article 19 of the Bylaws and shall participate with authority to speak but not to vote in the meetings of the Directive Council.

The countries adhering to CLAD are those which participate in the execution of the programs of the Centre as an organization for international technical cooperation, whether bilateral or institutional, but which have not formalised their accession to the Centre through their respective Foreign Offices.

The organizations associated to CLAD are those organizations for international cooperation which carry out joint programs and activities with CLAD on regular basis.

Sole paragraph. Both the countries adhering and belonging to CLAD shall be invited to attend the meetings of the Directive Council with authority to speak but not to vote.

CHAPTER III Of the Directive Council

Article 7

The Directive Council is the supreme body of the Centre with a collegiate nature and with the general functions of issuing norms, policymaking and conduction and assessment of the activities of CLAD. Said functions may not be delegated.

Article 8

The Directive Council is formed by the representatives from the governments designated by the respective member countries. They are recommended to be the highest authorities of each country which are in charge of the State modernization and reform programs or highly outstanding personalities in such field.

Sole paragraph. Each member of the Directive Council shall have a titular representative and an alternate, who shall replace the titular with the same functions, rights and duties in case of absence of the latter. Both Che titular and alternate representatives shall be accredited before the president of the Directive Council with the respective documents issued by their governments.

Article 9

During the annual meeting which shall be usually held during the month of October of each year, the Directive Council, whenever it is pertaining, shall elect the president from among its members, who shall immediately take office.

Paragraph I — The president of the Directive Council shall be the president of CLAD and shall be in office for two years without any possibility of its immediate personal reelection or that of its country.

Paragraph II — The president shall be elected by secret voting through the approving vote of at least two thirds of the total vote of the member countries present in the first instance, or by an absolute majority of the said countries in a second round, in which case only the first two majorities shall be entitled to participate. If an absolute majority is still not reached, the president shall be elected in a third round by an absolute majority of votes selecting a particular candidate only.

Paragraph III — Three vice-presidencies (first, second and third) are created. The first vice-presidency shall be occupied by the representative of the country where the headquarters of the Centre is located. Once the representative of the host country is accredited, the person shall take office automatically.

Paragraph IV — The other two vice-presidencies shall be designated by the Directive Council through secret voting by following the same procedures used in the election of the president. These elected vice-presidents shall be in office for a period of one year without immediate re-election, either personal or of the country which they represent.

Paragraph V — In case a citizen of the country where the headquarters of the Centre is located, is occupying the presidency or the General Secretariat, the vice-presidency essentially corresponding to him shall be occupied by the representative of another country, applying all the general procedures as for the election of the vice-presidents.

Paragraph VI — In case the president or one of the vice-presidents should lose their status as representatives of their country, they shall be automatically replaced by the new representative, who shall conclude the period for which his/her predecessor has been elected. In the event there is an intermediate period between the loss of the status as representative by the president or vice-president and the designation of a new titular representative, the alternate representative of the respective country shall perform as acting president or vice-president.

Paragraph VII — The countries elected to the positions of president or vice-presidents shall not be able to resign to said positions.

Article 10

The Directive Council shall hold two kinds of meetings:

a) Annual ordinary meetings, usually held in October each year,

b) Special meetings, held whenever they are deemed necessary and summoned by the president of CLAD upon request of one-third of the members or the secretary-general. The notice for a special meeting shall be given within the twenty days upon receipt of the petition. The purpose and date for the meeting shall be stated thereat.

Paragraph I — An ordinary meeting shall only be postponed by means of a written request of one-third of the member countries forwarded to the president of the Directive Council within the thirty days prior to the date set for the same, with the exception of acts of God or force majeure.

Paragraph II — The ordinary and special meetings shall be held in the city where the headquarters of the Centre is located. However, at the request of one of