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84 | II Série A - Número: 023S1 | 6 de Novembro de 2008

• One (1) large screen, clearly visible to all the participants and those seated at the head table.
• One (1) PC or laptop at the head table connected to projector, US keyboard (Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, CD-ROM drivers and USB ports).
• One (1) projector (XVGA, BNC), equivalent to latest model used in Geneva, with direct connection to the projection computer.
• Audio/video system (including both camera and personnel) along with the webcast option.
• A teleconference facility to enable participants/journalists covering the Events off-site to take part in the meeting/press conferences.
• Multibox, mixers with XLR connections for audio take up.
• One (1) printer behind the head table.
This conference room has to be fully operational on Sunday 19 April 2009 at 11h00.
For all the conference rooms, bottled mineral water and glasses shall be available at each head table, in the interpretation booths and at the entrance of each room.
e) Three (3) small rooms for VIPs bilateral meetings equipped with armchairs, small tables and refreshments.
These rooms have to be fully operational on Monday 20 April 2009, at 09h00.
Offices Offices for the Chairman of WTPF-09 and his assistant, for the elected officials of ITU and their secretariats, for the ITU staff, preferably with natural light.
For the furniture/equipment, the table of requirements provided by ITU details the number of desks, bins, chairs/armchairs with wheels, visitors chairs, tables, open shelves, large and small lockable cupboards, VIP furniture, telephones with local and international access, faxes, mobile phones, photocopying machines, flip charts, PCs, keyboards, laptop connections, printers, scanners, screens, projectors, plasma screens, etc Water fountains will be made available close to the offices.
Availability: on 13 April 2009, having in mind that the basic network infrastructure connected to power backed up by Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) shall be ready prior to the arrival of the first ITU staff, on 13 April 2009.