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16 | II Série C - Número: 015 | 27 de Novembro de 2006

g) Intensifying the exchanges between the Assembly of the Republic and the European Parliament, by proposing the attribution of appropriate reciprocal facilities and regular meetings with interested members, particularly those elected in Portugal; h) Promoting meetings or hearings with European Union institutions, bodies and agencies on matters that are important to Portugal’s participation in the construction of the European Union; i) Promoting inter-parliamentary cooperation within the European Union; j) Appointing the Portuguese representatives to the Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC), and assessing their work and the results of the Conference; l) In the cases provided for in Articles 10 and 11, holding hearings to examine the appointment or naming of persons by the Portuguese Government and assessing their curricula vitae; m) Promoting hearings and debates on European issues with civil society representatives, thereby contributing to the creation of a public European forum at national level.

Article 7 Assessment process

1 – The European Affairs Committee shall distribute proposals with a rule-making content, as well as other guideline documents referred to in Article 5, among both its own members and the other specialist parliamentary committees with responsibility for the matter in question, for information or the issue of a formal written opinion.
2 – The other specialist parliamentary committees shall issue duly substantiated formal written opinions whenever asked to do so by the European Affairs Committee.
3 – The formal written opinions referred to in the previous paragraphs may conclude with concrete proposals for assessment by the European Affairs Committee.
4 – Whenever it decides to issue a report on a matter that falls within its area of responsibility, the European Affairs Committee shall attach such formal written opinions as it may have requested from other committees.
5 – When the assessment of proposals for Community acts of a rule-making nature is involved, once it has received the necessary formal written opinions the European Affairs Committee may draw up a draft resolution for submission to the Plenary.
6 – In all other cases the European Affairs Committee shall draw up formal written opinions on the matters on which it is called upon to pronounce itself, and may conclude such opinions with a concrete proposal or a draft resolution.
7 – The reports and formal written opinions issued by the European Affairs Committee shall be sent to both the President of the Assembly of the Republic and the Government.
8 – The European Court of Auditors’ annual report shall be subject to a formal written opinion from the committee with responsibility for the matter in question, which the said committee shall sent to the European Affairs Committee.

Article 8 Human, technical and financial resources

The Assembly of the Republic shall provide the European Affairs Committee with such human, technical and financial resources as may be indispensable to the fulfilment of its responsibilities under the terms of this Law.

CHAPTER II Selection, appointment or naming of persons for or to positions at the European Union

Article 9 Scope

1 – When it is not subject to a competitive procedure, the selection, appointment or naming of persons by the Government for or to positions at European Union institutions, bodies or agencies shall be subject to the process and rules laid down by this Law.
2 – This system shall not apply to candidates to become members of the European Commission, the Council of Regions or the Economic and Social Council, or to candidates for the position of member of the European Parliament.

Article 10 Positions of a non-jurisdictional nature

1 – Before the Government appoints or names anyone to or for a position of a non-jurisdictional nature at a European Union institution or body, it shall send his name and curriculum vitae to the Assembly of the