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17 | II Série C - Número: 015 | 27 de Novembro de 2006

Republic, whereupon the European Affairs Committee shall hold a hearing to examine the said person and assess his curriculum vitae.
2 – The procedure set out in the previous paragraph shall apply to the appointment or naming of persons for or to management positions at European agencies when this is compatible with the specific selection process laid down by European Union rules.

Article 11 Positions of a jurisdictional nature

1 – Before the Government appoints or names anyone for or to a position of a jurisdictional nature, particularly that of judge of the Court of Justice, judge of the Court of First Instance, judge of the Court of Auditors or Advocate General, it shall send his name and curriculum vitae to the Assembly of the Republic, whereupon the European Affairs Committee shall hold a hearing to examine the said person and assess his curriculum vitae.
2 – For the purposes of the previous paragraph the Government shall send a list containing the names of at least three candidates for each position that is to be filled.

CHAPTER III Final provisions

Article 12 Revocation

Law n.º 20/94, dated 15 June 1994, is hereby revoked.

A Divisão de Redacção e Apoio Audiovisual.