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own observation mission reported positively on the Presidential election, which was successful in those places

where it was able to be held. The mission remarked on the determination showed by the authorities in this

election – I hope we will also see this in other related areas of fundamental rights.

Elections and democratic commitments remain a key part of the issues dealt with in this Committee, and I

take this opportunity to encourage delegations to actively participate in OSCE observation work. I was pleased

to participate in several missions this year myself, and confirm that this is important and constructive work that

we do.

I have continued throughout the year to pursue issues that have previously been raised by this Committee.

In particular, I have engaged several countries on cases where political critics or human rights advocates have

been imprisoned. These include:

o Pussy Riot member Ms. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova in Russia;

o Editor-in-Chief of Khural, Mr. Avaz Zeynalli in Azerbaijan, as well as Mr. Anar Mammadli here in

Azerbaijan. I hope soon to receive permission to visit Mr. Mammadli here in Azerbaijan. You may recall that Mr.

Mammadli’s lawyer addressed our meeting in Vienna earlier this year;

o I was pleased to visit Kazakhstani opposition leader Vladimir Kozlov at his penal colony outside Almaty

earlier this month. I appreciated the open discussion that I had with the Kazakhstani authorities during that visit.

I had also hoped to visit Ms. Roza Tuletayeva, an activist who defended the rights of striking workers in

Kazakhstan, but my request was not processed in time.

These are just some of many instances in the OSCE where I believe a political motive lies behind the cases.

I plan to continue raising awareness of these and other rule of law concerns whenever necessary.

It is also my hope that I will soon have the opportunity to visit the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay. This

remains a disturbing case where access to justice is denied, and has been for many of the detainees for many

years now.

As Members of Parliament, I think that it is important that we continue to raise issues related to human

rights and democracy in all of our work, both at home and in other countries. Our work here in the coming days

is an opportunity to speak out on behalf of these important principles.”

Foi discutido um relatório e um projeto de resolução intitulados “Helsínquia + 40: Segurança para Todos” da

autoria da Senhora Gordana Comic (Sérvia). O projeto de resolução evidenciou os aspetos humanitários das

migrações. Defendeu que, no caso da Europa, o número de emigrantes acolhidos deveria ser distribuído de

forma equilibrada por todos os países. Referiu ainda que a resolução pretendia condenar o discurso de ódio e

referir os prisioneiros políticos e a defesa do Estado de Direito, a leste e oeste de Viena.

Quatro das emendas a este projeto de resolução tiveram como autora a Deputada Isabel Santos. Trata-se

de adições ao texto nas seguintes áreas: atividades dos “human rights defenders”; uso, indevido, dos

mandatos da INTERPOL para fins políticos; situação dos Direitos Humanos no Azerbeijão, Bielorrússia,

Cazaquistão e Rússia; e não extradição de emigrantes e refugiados para países onde correm o risco de

perseguição política ou maus tratos (pontos #107, #128, #133 e #135 respetivamente). Estas emendas foram


A Comissão também analisou os seguintes itens suplementares: Reforma global da imigração; Proteção de

propriedade cultural na área OSCE; Prevenção e acusação do tráfico sexual de crianças; A situação dos

refugiados na área OSCE; Combate à Tortura; Controlo Democrático dos setores público e privado de


A Deputada Isabel Santos foi a autora do item suplementar sobre “A situação dos refugiados na área

OSCE”, tendo apresentado as principais linhas condutoras deste documento:

“On June 21st we celebrated another world refugee day. However the celebration of this day have brought

us a very black figure: 51,2 million people were forcibly displaced at the end of 2013. Six million more than in

the end of 2012. And, for the first time in the post-world War II, era, we exceeded 50 million of refugees. A

drama without limits and a challenge for us all.