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on the common challenges faced by the countries of the South of the EU ín the fie/d of

European Foreign Affairs and Defense.

2. We insist that mígration demands a global approach, including a strengthening of

dialogue and cooperation with origin, transit and destinatíon countríes for migrations,

particularly Mediterranean and African countries.

3. Considering our borders as the Southern borders of the European Uníon, we welcome

the initíative announced by Presidentjuncker, in his Sta te of the Union Speech delivered

on the 12 September 2018, to further strengthen the European Border and Coast Guard

to better protect the externai borders of the EU with an additional 10,000 European

border guards by 2020.

4. We believe that the EU States must share proportionately the burden of welcoming,

caring and settling migrants arriving in Europe as a result of wars and tension close to

our borders, as we/1 as the persistíng economic migrations, namely from Northern

A/rica and the Sub-Saharan region

5. We invite the next Presidencíes to return to the long established practice of tabling a set

of conclusions and organising the final plenary session around their discussion.

28 DE JULHO DE 2022 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________