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4. r-. IIOllt of UM � «.indl Cc/lcluliOIIJ ln Matdl 201-. � tti. lurapun 0lundl .,.._. IIS pM concem ova lllt ClllflllNlld dll8"tlclll flffU CIIIIIIIIS ln TunDe,. llld ... two GrMk � allllll alld ta, lhe IWlft ..il)Osllft molullDn of tllele Is.tua ln•� wtth ......, Sbtn. IM ,.,..__ oi the 5clulh AII for com,lln8 wtllt ln1tfflldoftll taw end lltMlet. IM�uls �. thtpmclplta .-, _... tbrurc,,.111 �IIIIIUIICIN,nWlll■stllepMct,lesOflOOd�r..

S. Wldlout Pflludlm to ti. lnaportanae oi -- dlrd•111111. suei. a IIWbltd,.._,.�. welallst flltnaraaan dinlH4s•IIDbll ICllHO■dl.� • of ...,_,..d CQlfetlllon wlllllC1111� tr-'t ■INI411111naUOft eoulltlfl1 fo, mi,.-°'"' ,articW,ty Meatrrwan and Afric111aMllrlM. W• Nltln1ie aur COlllfflllMM to 11\lltfflatlcNIII law, IM CtlfflC-. .... tuna...,.., and IM WII•� ai 11111 sdldartly. W. cal r. • MfllthtMII vf 111c r.hl 1111n1t trdlâffl anel J111U111ers ofIIUll'IIR Nlft&t, W. tl!P41ft lt!at lrNplar mla,lllb ,i,fl h mwmtd to ._., -,,. oi orWft ln aeiconlancl _. tlle 111Miont 9f 1M ftlwMt Dnettic •....-1aw.W.C111'4rt111strtnat�olllllCOlltl'lloffftlfflal llanlen 911d mntlnue to ·--- lhe ,---. oi ffllltantl :at l'ISt anel edlnd111lntm11t ...... pratea1on forthme who-•nllllldta li.

5. Wt fNfflfflt tlut IM EU mlplUOn � Mlllt be �ed on lhlttclflSPOIISIIIIIIY 11111 IOl1dlflty wllll ltlou CN1111111 afftellld bv, mlplto,y.,,_-. due IO lhff ...,...IQI sauadllrl ln lhe Unbl ••iamel llo,411r$. W.Wlew tl.t lhe EU scan ..- !Nnr ••tv anel llfOpCNtlantlely tht r•lpllnllillty of reoelwlncarilll and.aa.icthc lfflPtl arMIII Ili Eurapt 11 a r.sult of wttunlt.nsllln ln lht ,..io,,.

1, 'Tlle e.•.-� faced t,y So«lttra ooYllllf\es ..,...d -� tnd • mart � EU Ktlen. lhtrtfort, tNI 111 lat wllh the 4edliatlcHI Ndl M dlt IIINtlna oi lhe� � 111 Atl'IIM on Me-, 17, llDH. - ,. .... ,i.. wll ta, .... ,p1 ... - l'lpllf--... � _,_.... palnts of ..._ n ··--· _,_ f'IIPOl'-S to 1111 �t. lu,tlle ather "Slarlll ntodlllonl� tht lU.

28 DE JULHO DE 2022 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________