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We belleve that the EU States must share p,-opomonately the burden of welcomlnR, carlng and settlln1 the refug�s arrlvlng ln E..,rope as a result of wars and tenslon close to our borders, as well as the perslstlng labour ml1ratlon5 from Northem Afrlca and the Sub-Saharan realon. We dlsagrea suongly wlth unilateral actlons such as closlng borders eind with attempts of 10\lernments to exempt themselves from thls shared burden.

We belie\le that the lmmedlate and lon11-term solutlon to the refusee flows must respect the principies of fundamental rights, ln'ternational law, and the Genava COnventlon on the status of refugees. lhe solutlon ahould also address the root causes of lnequallty and 00nflict. We also belleve that all confll<:11 must be resolved on the bHI$ of ln'ternatlonal Law. human rights principie., snd the pertlnent

. dec1,tons of the Unlted Nations. We conslder RSsentfal that the EU sets up speclflc rneBSures to support those countrla1 of first entry facln1 miBratlon and refuaee flows, inctudlng financial ald and the excluslon of costs sustalned by Governments from the Stabl&ty and Growth Pact.

We beHeve that the Dublin Treaty revlslon must start lmmediately and thal . the Schengen Treaty must be consldered indispenAble to the EU acquls.

Wa belleve that ln order to bulkJ s belter Europe. based on common and shared values, solldarlty and c:oheslon, the time has come 'to revlse the economlc pollcles prescrtbed by the european authoritles and te 1tron8'y suppart a developmeot a1enda. Such an agenda �hauld pay pctrtlcul•, attentlon to the States faclng the refugee and mlaratton flows, lo addltlon to the serious adverse economlc and soclal problems created by tha atobal flnandal and econamk crlsls,

We belleve that the EU and the member states must take c00rdlnated action in order to prevent ,;ecurity threats, stablllze the .-eglon and enhance regional cooperation.

We bellew that the European Partlaments should croata permanent mechanl.sms of dlscuHlon, c;çordlnatlon, deçl,;ion, actlon and pollcymaklng ln relatlon to common lnter-ests, challenReS and priorltles. The GF'Q\.lp Med of Foreign Affalrs afld Oefen� Commlnees Is a füst step towards thls dlrect1on.

28 DE JULHO DE 2022 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________