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2.Declaração de Atenas (maio de 2016)


On AprU 4, a Group or Heads of Dele11at1ons of the íonilgn Affalrs ;nd Dl!f11nce Committees Qf lhe Mediterranean EU Parllaments meettns ln The Hague dêelded to work towards establlshlng a P,ullamentilry •Group Medu to debate common inte�ru and responsn to shared c:lnll1tnges. 0n M� 16-17 repr.sentatlves of Cyprus. ltaly, Grce-ce, Portu1al and Spaln met for lhe nnt time ln Athens and agreed the followlna Athens Dedaration, pendin111 confirmation bV th♦ �'11Clpltl'11 ParUaments.

Athens De

The Mediteuanean is the cr11dle of European cMll11tiOn, Wlth IU roou ln Athans and RoMe. Frane. and ltalv, u faundln1 mambers of the EU. were instn,mental ln tlYlns: thls ldea a polltlcil form, Sp1ln, Portupl and Greece are e1uiy membet• whose acatsslon after the fall af thelr dlctatorshlps represents the democratlc foundations of the Un1on. Malta and C'fl)rus have been 101111: standln11: memben; of the Unlon wlth inae.ued symbolk, material and seopolltlcal sl1nlAcanc:e. lhe Medtterranean States have always faced common challenges caused tJy our Jolnt lnterests and our common sedai and cultural tradltlcns, as well il$ by axt11mal filCtors. ln the 11st perlod, our state5 heve been aHected .,Jp,lflcently by the financial crl�l:i. More reuntly our cfose proxlmltv to• realem of ten1lon ,md wnfllct mlild9 our c:ountria face unl)t'ecedented ref1,1gee and mlgrant flows. l1-le humanltarlan response of our people and leader.;hlps desplte the economlc h;irds.hlps we went and are 11oln11 tllrçuah, has upheld the but traditJon$ of Europe. Furthemiore, confllct:s and lnstablllty ln the wtder reglon have created serlous security threats.

lhese common cllallen1es call for common solutloN and for a more c:cordlnated EU actlon. Tllls ln t1.1rn ctll, f<,r th• developm■nt of a system for more re11t1lar meetlngs, exdlanglng vtews and dll'leloplng wmmon responMls 10 challenaes, like other regional grouplnas wtthln the Unlon. We belleve that the Meditemsnean States and P•rHamel\U should reclalm • major role ln the EU fcr the beneflt of the whole Unlon.

We welc:ome the latest ste,,s undenalten to Improve the reswe of human llves at sea and the flght agalnst human traffitkini, as well as the pragress in considerin1 our borders as the Southem borde11 of the Europe.n Union, �en ff reeosnlse tMt thlJ perspectlve has to be strengthened :and must become pan of structural EU polldes,

II SÉRIE-D — NÚMERO 22 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________