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Third, tt,e refugee questian must be addressed lhrough joint action. EU Mcmber States mun give

assur an�es of falr and lasting contributions to s.tabllise the countrle» nelghbourma Syria, in particular

by funding the atd programme$ íor refugees ofthe Unlted Natlons. Contrai ofthe European Union's

eKternal borders must be or1anlzed and funded at II European level Naturallv, cooperatlon wlth

Turkey Is lmportant for thl.s purpose, but the EU cannot afford to depend on il. Cooperation wlth

Turkey should be cx,nducted according to European principies t>f the rufe of law, and be compatlble

with the intcresu of the EU, whlch ln elude the promotion of the peace process ln $yrfa. A ton:slstent

European approach is also needed for the situatlon in Llbya, where Faye2 ai SarraJ Is strlvlng to

establísh a leaitlmate eovernment or natlonal unit)-

The Schengen Agrecment and the common esytum policy murt proceed in parall�I w1th one anQlher,

as must the single currency .ind .i common economlc pollcy. Accordlngly, financial ald must be

allocated to border man.igement, as wen as to the regfstratlõn, redlstributlon and reception of

refugee�. Any c;ountry not takln1 ln refugees must contrlbute to a systtm of compensat1on for those that do.

lhe m�u of the EU is nota natvri)I dl�aster.-lts tauses are political, and lls solution Is therefore also

polltlcal and mu:1t be based on the two pillars of solldarity and growth. Let's gct to work!

Oelcgations from·







28 DE JULHO DE 2022 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________