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1. Mcn 1111ft ...,, ln the a,rrant mom1111, l IS IMPOnant for Europa md ltshlllilllll!nls, ln particular for lhe Jauthem ones, that • "'"'WIIII ano pnaln■pen•• of dlllope wltll 11w lllllmlcworld a,i .,,.., ... Tllil wlll belhe qIIIIU'Oldl CIPlbfe af a111n1"' ..,_. for • ruwre of coo,-atloft. puce aadNWIDIIHMllt Mlllnd tll■ MlllwnMIII. Ftw ddes Clf tplCtS ln dw whDI■wortd mula b• ro ,,.rtna • &INda IO lllundl lftd dlapen dlll P■IIPIC1Mm,d wart NfblllV ln arclarta mat. • a p,!ffllana111 dill'llndon oi the 1!11,opt,al'I


li. ln thll b. l 11 llf'tld IO choose 6nnadl IS I reftrenc, cil'/ far dlls CiNIUP fOf'IU hlstorbl mllllkulluralsm, IU 'l)ldal .,.latloas wllh lha .,all WDltd .-id lheunlwerlllky of ltl tlnkl whh odi• dvllzallorw and cutt.,..., aieet'- wl1h odlltrdtia ln the COl.l'lltitS of lheSOIAh.

10. The meetlnp of lhe Group shal Cie ClOCIYened when deemed ,�. prioraid fn addlllan to tba meetln• held dum, neh lflar.P,rUani.nta,yCoofe•ttM anCFSP andCSDP.

11. ll,1 CQfflfflOII worll af 11w dlll �up 1h11 thK8foN bl CDIIIOlldlled andccntlllUad llwa,s wtdl • .,,.,, to rN'llordna lha roll of SOtldlarn PIIIIIMfflS lntM beneOl or the Eurapean t.lon as a Vlholt, -� wllt. lhe fnMtwcdof theambftlon ta deepen relatic,115 bl!.--en 1he two sho-, oi th, MldbmnNC\mâq tbl1 recton ª" .,.. oi shand ltlltlllly, peace lnd protperlty,

5. Declara�ão de Viena ( outubro de 2018)



Vienna, 11 October 2018

On the 11th October 2018, members of the Delegations of the Southern Parliaments of the

European Union to the lnterparliamentary Conference for the CFSP/CSDP, held their seventh

meeting ín the Erste Campus in Vienna, where they agreed the Jol/owing Declaration.

1. A/ter the meetings held in Athens on May 2016, and Granada on May 2018, members of

the Delegations of the Parliaments o/Cyprus, France, Greece, ltaly, Malta, Portugal and

Spain, meet again in Vienna to reiterate their commitment to work together to reflect

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