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stability and prosperity and as a prometer of regional cooperation to the benefit of

the Mediterranean and European people:

1. Underline the importance of their Ad Hoc meetings, as well as their

regular meetings during each lnterparliamentary Conference on the CFSP and


2. Reiterate their commitment to the continuation of their cooperation and

coordination within the framework of the lnterparliamentary Conference on the

CFSP and CSDP, aiming at exchanging views on matters of common concern and

formulating joint positions when deemed necessary,

3. State that the Mediterranean dimension of EU externai policies needs to

remain on the agenda of the lnterparliamentary Conference on the CFSP and

CSDP and that security concerns related to the area must be treated with due

attention, even more so as the situation in the Mediterranean and beyond is

alarming and threatening, not only for the region itself, but also for the European


4. Agree, in view of the above, to propose that the issue of Libya be

discussed in the next lnterparliamentary Conference on the CFSP and the CSDP,

in Zagreb, under the "Urgency debate" item on the agenda.

5. Decide the working modalities of their cooperation and set the arder of

countries to host future meetings.

6. Decide to reconvene during the upcoming lnterparliamentary Conference

on the CFSP and CSDP, in Zagreb, on 2 March 2020.

7. Request that the Cyprus delegation communicate the present Joint

Statement to the Croatian Presidency, before the Conference in Zagreb.

II SÉRIE-D — NÚMERO 22 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________