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4. DeclarafáO de Granada (junho de 2018)


0n M.lv U IM Junt 1. )Ili, VII Hf9ds oi Otllpdon of lhe ,... Nfairtl lnd Dmnct COmmlttNS of tlle P11llm.l1 oi dle 5outh of 1111 luropell'I Unlol\ lllld1Nlr lllclll l'IIHtlfW ln lhe IW!ldo. e-- VIII GIMlda,..,. tfley ..-1M folloWlrW Otclar■uon.

l. Af\er lht flrlt fflfttl,. hltd ln MIMns on Mr, 11 anel 17, JOU, tht Hud5 of.... ion d lhe PtrllMl111U of Cypnd,, Ftanc., �. ,_.. N Sp,ln,meel apln ln Granldl to reltetale thelr Ollfflffllment 10 wo,t t� toretltcl on IM OOfflffllft clllllfftl'S fMed bf tlle COunlllll af lle 5cMlltl oi UMIhropan Unlon ln dlt lltld of hn,ptll'I � atl'lllrs 1nd dlr....

2. we Mtofflt tM lniptbls tiiMn bw IM Gowlfflffilftts 61 tM so-,th EU WUlllriato lhllr coopetdOn _..., the eu hnlawortc. • """"bv the taur su.miuatuct, l..t. tlnc:e IM fim one ln Ad.M ln Sepi.raber 1011 11"111 dle mDSIl'NCftl ill llolM ln Jaauary 201I ......_ tt.y..,. nll«aled thelr eaa,-.iltment to wcllt '-""ri. tllt &lroPtM CauncD ad ln 1� lnslltutlons.

3. lhe ,-1aments ai lhe Sauth EU countrles,. ttvouth thelr representlll�s ln 1h11Grou,. 11111 canbllute to tJds clebMe INlm 1 ,..._,,._., penptdtlle. �....,_llcNII candlule to ,.,lord111 IM dtlllocra .._.,ww 4' dlClllon m1�1 • 11.WelPNn lmtlutlon5. Ili the Cow,d. * �• Comnlulm and lhe l� ,,....,._.t. lhe hrtllmenb d lhe Soulh lU lrt COlldted lo IM IINfllthlftlrW af tht role oi ftllloMI pa,tilmlllll HINIMd ln tM TttMY 011 dle!..,..n Uftlo•lnthe dedslof'...nlllllnloltlle fWDpMn UnlOn..

II SÉRIE-D — NÚMERO 22 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________