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lished in agreement between the Administração dos Correios, Telégrafos e Telefones and IBERLANT.

2 — IBERLANT shall be entitled to send and receive messages in cypher.

3 — IBERLANT shall also be entitled to send and receive official correspondence and packages by courier or in sealed bags, enjoying such privileges and immunities as are applicable to diplomatic couriers and bags.

The model of the official seal to be used shall be approved by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and sent to the Administração dos Correios, Telégrafos e Telefones and to such other Portuguese authorities as directed by the Portuguese Government.

4 — Non-official correspondence and packages sent by or addressed to IBERLANT or its personnel through the Portuguese postal service must be duly stamped in the country of origin in accordance with the provisions of the Convention and the rules of the Universal Postal Union.

5 — Official correspondence and packages sent by or addressed to IBERLANT through the Portuguese postal service which do not satisfy the conditions specified in paragraph 3 above will be subject to customs examination and to the assessment of customs duty, unless otherwise exempt therefrom under the provisions of either the Agreement or the Protocol.

6 — By agreement with the Department of National Defense, the Administração dos Correios, Telégrafos c Telefones and such other authorities as may be designated by the Portuguese Government, IBERLANT may, at its own expense, establish special integrated military post offices.


1 — IBERLANT may establish and use such military radio stations as may be required for its operational and administrative functions.

The location of such radio stations and technical details pertaining to the equipment to be used will be the subject of a previous agreement between the Department of National Defense and IBERLANT.

The frequencies to be used for the operation of such IBERLANT radio stations are subject to clearance by the Portuguese Government. Procedures for the use of frequencies as laid down by the documents of the European Radio Frequency Agency are applied, account to be taken, however, of the reservations imposed by Portugal on such documents. Requests for frequencies shall be addressed to the Department of National Defense.

The above radio stations will be used exclusively for official purposes.

2 — Requests for telephone, teleservice or radiotelephone facilities shall be made to the Administração dos Correios, Telégrafos e Telefones, through the Department of National Defense.

Requests for the temporary or permanent use of long distance telephone or telegraphic circuits required for the operation of IBERLANT shall be made through the Department of National Defense.

Payment rates for the Official use of telecommunication services, including national and international leased circuits owned by the Administração dos Correios, Telégrafos e Telefones, shall be those charged to trie Portuguese Armed Forces.

Rates for reserve international circuits shall be in accordance with NATO Military Budget Committee agreement.


1 — IBERLANT will be authorized to issue its own motor vehicle registration plates or, in the alternative, the Portuguese Government shall make available a readily distinguishable registration plate for the use of IBERLANT and its personnel.

2 — The Portuguese Government recognizes as valid, in accordance with the provisions of article lv, a), of the Agreement, such military drivers licenses or such other licenses as are issued by the competent authorities of Member Parties of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in favor of a member of the force or of the civilian component, following such execution procedures as will be laid down.

3 — The dependents shall hold drivers licenses issued by the Portuguese Government.


The Portuguese Government will be responsible for the external security of IBERLANT, for which purpose tt will supply adequate personnel and material. The provisions of paragraph 10, b), article vn, of the Agreement are not applicable to IBERLANT.


3 — Either inside or outside its installations, IBERLANT may set up medical, pharmaceutical, odontológica! and nursing military services to provide assistance to its military personnel as well as to the civilian components and their dependents who may accompany them.

2 — The operation of the above mentioned services shall be carried out according to the conditions set forth in regulations enacted to that effect by the Ministério da Saúde e Assistência.


! — The present Agreement shall come into force immediately, without prejudice of such temporary provisions as have, by mutual consent, become applicable by administrative means.

2 — The present Agreement may be revised by request of either of the Parties thereto.

3 — En the event of hostilities involving implementations of the North Atlantic Treaty, the present Agreement shall remain in force.


Until such time as the Eberian Atlantic Command (COM) is raised to the level of Commander-in-Chief (CINC), wherever in this accord one reads «CINC1BERLANT» or «Commander-in-Chief» it will be understood as «COM1BERLANT» or «Com-mander».

Done in Lisbon, this 28 th day of October 1971, in the Portuguese and English languages, both texts being equally authoritative, in a single original, the