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3 — Technical equipment for military radio stations necessary for operational and administrative purposes may be supplied and installed by IBERLANT itself.

4 —The use by IBERLANT of lands, buildings, and fixed installations shall be made without charge.

5 — The lands, buildings and fixed installations shall be returned to the Portuguese State when they become no longer required by IBERLANT.

6 —The Government of Portugal hereby waives any claim for indemnity due to the depreciation or devaluation incurred in the course of utilization.

7 — No reimbursement shall be demanded from the Portuguese State on the return of lands, buildings and fixed installations.


1 — When justified, IBERLANT may conclude contracts for the supply of equipment, utilities, materials and services with non Portuguese suppliers, whether these be established in Portugal or not. When requested to, the Portuguese Government will use its good offices in order to facilitate the placing of such contracts and, whenever possible, will assist IBERLANT to conclude the aforesaid contracts under the same conditions of price as those obtaining for the Portuguese Armed Forces.

2 — All sums spent by the Portuguese Government in helping the conclusion and execution of the above contracts will be paid for by IBERLANT to the Portuguese Government. In particular, any reimbursements for expenses incurred by the National Defense Department in the planning of, helping with and superintending of the above contracts will be made by IBERLANT, on the basis of the sums expended. The reimbursement of such expenses will not include general administrative charges.


1 — IBERLANT will not be subject to any duties, taxes or surtaxes which may fall on any real property occupied by it.

2 — IBERLANT will benefit by treatment similar to that which has been granted to the Portuguese Armed Forces in respect of purchase tax (imposto de transacções).

3 — In accordance with the provisions of article VH i of the Protocol and article xi of the Agreement, IBERLANT will be allowed to import duty free:

a) The equipment required for the sole use of

its services;

b) Material for the preparation and upkeeping .

of the equipment mentioned in a) above, including spare parts;

c) Medical drugs packed in the country of origin

with labels and instructions written in a language other than Portuguese, for the sole use of the members of the force and civilian components and their dependents;

d) Fuel, oil and lubricants for their official vehi-

cles (special consultations will be initiated at the earliest to provide for fuel, oil and lubricants for force personnel);

e) Reasonable quantities of canteen foodstuffs, articles and supplies, not included in the above paragraph, provided it will not be possible to acquire them in Portugal in equal or better conditions of price, quality and supply than those obtaining abroad and also for the sole use of the members of the force and civilian components and their dependents.

4 — For the purposes of no. 3, imports will be documented in accordance with a certificate to be submitted by IBERLANT and approved by the Portuguese Government. IBERLANT will previously inform the Portuguese military authorities of such equipment as it wishes to import.

5 — a) The Portuguese authorities shall carry out in IBERLANT installations, in the presence of duly qualified representatives of the Allied Headquarters services, the necessary operations of customs examination which they may deem necessary in regard to any type of material. The examination of material located in installations under special conditions of military security shall be carried out according to an agreement between the Portuguese and IBERLANT commands.

b) The proper IBERLANT service shall draw a list of medical supplies imported duty free. The said list and the use of those medical supplies shall be subject to the inspection of the Portuguese authorities concerned.

c) In the case of narcotics and drugs of similar chemical composition and effects, the Portuguese legal regulations governing their sale and control shall apply.

d) The proper IBERLANT services shall draw a list showing the use made of all duty free canteen supplies which shall be subject to the inspection of the proper Portuguese authorities.

6 — The provisions laid down in nos. .1 and 3 of the present article shall not apply to taxes and payments due for services rendered.


1 — IBERLANT may hold Portuguese or foreign currency which is legal tender in the countries of issue; it may also open accounts, in its own name, in such credit establishments as are authorized to do exchange business in continental Portugal; such accounts to be in escudos or in any foreign convertible currency quoted by the Bank of Portugal.

2 — The balances of the above accounts in foreign currency may be freely converted into another equally convertible foreign currency quoted by the Bank of Portugal or in escudos. The balances of the accounts in escudos, when these be the proceeds from payments made by the Portuguese State or from the sale by IBERLANT of convertible foreign currency, may be freely converted into any foreign convertible currency quoted by die Bank of Portugal.


1 — The correspondence and official postal items of IBERLANT may be sent or received through the Portuguese postal services on conditions to be estab-