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13 DE MARCO DE 1985


as the complete workday when applying the provisions of the previous paragraph.

4 — Employees with variable work schedules will be charged a day of absence when they do not perform work during a period of scheduled duty hours.

Article 72

Justified absence

1 — The following justified absences may be taken without charge to leave and without loss of pay or benefits. Employees are required to prove the veracity of the facts to their immediate supervisor for such absences:

a) Marriage: not to exceed 11 consecutive calendar days;

b) Death of spouse, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son, daughter, stepfather, stepmother, stepson and stepdaughter: not to exceed 5 consecutive calendar days;

c) Death of grandparent, .grandchildren, great grandparent, great grandchildren, brother, sister and brother/sister-in-law: not to exceed

2 consecutive calendar days;

d) Birth of a child: not to exceed 2 consecutive calendar days;

e) Blood donation: not to exceed 4 hours. This may be increased to 1 full day when special circumstances warrant;

f) Jury duty or when an employee is called as a witness by a court to testify;

g) When an employee is taking a test in an educational facility;

h) When his assistance to members of his immediate household is essential; not to exceed

3 consecutive days;

i) Up to 10 days for candidates in elections for

public office, when justified; j) Other absences as may be specified in USFO-RAZ internal regulations.

12 — The following justified absences will be charged to leave or leave without pay, in accordance with applicable Portuguese law:

a) Those due to perfomance of necessary duties in welfare institutions;

b) When an employee cannot work due to reasons beyond his control such as illness or accident;

c) Absences relating to court matters other than those of paragraph 1 above;

d) Other absences as may be specified in USFO-RAZ internal regulations.

3 — When an employee is on forced absence in accordance with the previous paragraph 2, b), for more than 1 month, the provisions contained in article 68 and subsequent articles will be applicable.

Article 73 Notification of absences

1 — When the employee foresees that he will be absent for justified reasons, he will notify USFORAZ as far in advance as possible.

2 — Any employee who cannot report to work due to unforeseeable justified reasons is obligated to notify his imediate supervisor within 2 hours after the start of the workday, except when unusual circumstances preclude such reporting. So as to permit the section to get a replacement, an employee who is on night shift must give notice of absence by telephone or other fast means at least 2 hours prior to the start of a shift, except when unusual circumstances preclude such reporting.

3 — If an employee is ill for more than 3 days and less than 30 days, he must submit on his return to duty a medical certificate or a statement from the social welfare medical services specifying the period in which he was unable to work due to illness.

4 — If an employee is not in a condition to return to work after 30 days from the onset of an illness, the period of his absence may be extended under the provisions of article 68, paragraph 1. The employee shall submit a medical certificate or statement from the social welfare medical services at the end of the first 30 days and every 30 days thereafter.

5 — Failure to comply with the provisions of the previous paragraphs will render die absences unjustified.

Article 74 Policies related to unjustified absences

1 — Absences not justified under article 72 are considered to be unjustified.

2 — Unjustified absences always entail a corresponding loss in pay. Any period of unjustified absence shall be deducted from an employee's time in service for all intents and purposes.

3 — When an employee is unjustifiably absent for a scheduled work period, the scheduled time off or holidays immediately prior or subsequent to the absence will also be subject to the provisions of the previous paragraph.

4 — When an employee reports for work either to begin or return to work with an unjustified delay of more than 30 to less than 61 minutes, USFORAZ may refuse to accept his services during all or part of the normal work period.

Article 75 Serious disciplinary violations

The following constitute serious disciplinary violations:

a) Unjustified absence during 3 consecutive days or 6 interpolated days during a 10 year period;

b) Unjustified absence with the alleged justification proven false.

Article 76 Efect on leave

Justified absences, except those authorized by articles 66 and 68, have no effect whatsoever on the leave accrual entitlements of an employee.
