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deductions shall be made with regard to amounts earned. Other benefits for intermittent employees shall be equivalent to those afforded to other employees, unless otherwise noted.


Article 41 Normal work parlods

1 — The basic workweek is defined as the days and hours of the week which make up the full-time employee's scheduled workweek:

a) Without prejudice to paragraph 2, a), of this article, the basic workweek for workers included in LGS classification schedule consists of 40 hours within the week, and is regularity scheduled as monday through friday, 8 to 17.

b) Workers classified in the LWG classification schedule may be scheduled 88 hours within 2 weeks which will be scheduled by USFO-RAZ as follows:

1) 44 hours per week, or

2) A combination of 40 and 48 hours on alternative weeks. The regularly scheduled 40-hour week is 8 to 17, monday through friday. For 44-hour weeks the regular schedule is 8 to 17, monday through friday and 8 to 12 on Saturday. The regularly scheduled 48-hour week is 8 to 17, monday through Saturday.

2 •— An uncommon tour of duty is defined as any basic workweek schedule which deviates from the regularly scheduled workweek. Without prejudice of the provisions of article 47, paragraph 2, uncommon tours of duty may be established when necessary for efficient operations. Uncommon tours must be established for employees in the following positions:

a) The basic workweek for firefighter personnet \is established at 48 hours within the workweek— 2 shifts of 24 hours each. Pay for this basic workweek will be 44 hours at the basic hourly rate and four hours at the basic hourly rate plus 50 %;

b) The basic workweek for security guard personnel is established at 45 hours within the workweek — 5 days of 9 hours each. Pay for this basic workweek will be 40 hours at the basic hourly rate and 5 hours at the basic hourly rate plus 50 %.

Article 42 Lunch periods

1 — The normal work day period referred to in the previous article will be interrupted by a lunch period of 1 hour after 4 or 5 consecutive hours of work.

2 — In special and properly justified cases, AAC may authorize changes in the lunch period with SRT approval.

3 — Lunch periods scheduled jn accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraph shall not exceed 2 hours or be less than 30 minutes.

4 — 30 minutes lunch periods are granted only to employees who work in shifts. In this case, the lunch period will be counted as time worked.

Article 43 Overtime

1 — Overtime is defined as authorized and approved work in excess of either the scheduled workday or basic workweek as defined by article 41.

2 — Overtime work can be performed for the following reasons only:

a) When USFORAZ must meet special, time--critical, or increased work requirements, or

b) In cases of unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances, including Acts of God.

3 — Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 2 of the following article, employees may be excused from performance of overtime upon presentation of acceptable justification.

Article 44 Overtime work limits

1 — As rule, each employee cannot perform more than two hours overtime per day up to a maximum of 240 hours per year.

2 — These limits may be exceeded:

a) When work requirements cannot be met otherwise and local labor conditions do not permit another solution; or

b) In cases specified in paragraph 2, b), of the previous article.

3 — Whenever possible, in the cases specified in paragraph 2, a), above, the increase in overtime must be previously authorized by AAC with SRT concurrence. When circumstances do not permit prior authorization, USFORAZ will advise SRT through AAC of the overtime performed.

4 — In the cases specified in paragraph 2, b), USFORAZ will record as far in advance as possible each hour of overtime in an overtime control log indicating the reasons.

Article 45 Work In shifts

1 — Activities requiring 24-hour manning or those which, due to special circumstances, require a longer maning period each day, may be organized in shifts.

2 — Whenever possible, shifts should be organized in accordance with the employee's interests and preferences.

3 — Each shift cannot exceed the normal work day period limits established in article 41.

4 — A change in shift can only be made fotfowtng the employee's weekly day off.