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13 DE MARCO DE 1985


2 — SRPC will always request the assistance of the Employment Center of Angra do Heroísmo (CEAH).

3 — Individuals barred from entering areas under the jurisdiction of the Portuguese Air Force cannot register with SRPC.

Article 14 Registers and files

1 — SRPC shall set up the necessary registers and files so that individuals applying for work who meet the necessary requirements will be listed by professional categories and classes in order of seniority of registration.

Qualification in more than one category or class permits the registration of any individual in as many categories or classes.

2 — These registers and files shall include information pertaining to length of service, work performed, education, technical or professional qualifications, special skills and other information needed to determine employment priority in accordance with this article and article 19.

Article 15

Civil identification and professional classification

1 — Registrants shall furnish the SRPC proper civil identification and any other documents which may be required for completion of the registration cards.

2 — Whenever the professional trade license constitutes an 'essential certificate for the practice of an occupation the registrants shall present it at the time of registration. The loss of a trade license during the registration period will disqualify the registrant from employment. The loss of a trade license during employment by court decision without appeal may justify termination in accordance with article 88, paragraph 2, c), dependent upon the circumstances surrounding such loss.

Article 16 Certificate of registration

All personnel registered with SRPC will be given a certificate of registration indicating their registration number as well as other necessary information in conformity with the provisions of the previous paragraph.

Article 17 Requisition

1 — Requests for personnel to be employed by USFORAZ will be made directly to SRPC through the Central Civilian Personnel Office (hereafter referred to as CCPO).

2 — The request shall include information pertaining to occupation, number of individuals required and any other pertinent information;

Article 18 Notification

1 — In order to fill the requests, SRPC will notify the personnel who meet the requirements to report as soon as possible.

2 — Urgent notification may be made by telegraph of telephone call which will be paid by USFORAZ.

Article 19 Priorities

1 — The following order of priorities will be observed when making the notifications referred to in the previous paragraph:

a) Former USFORAZ employees who have done the same type of work required by the position to be filled and who have been separated for any reasons which do not preclude reemployment (the only exceptions is just cause);

b) Candidates who have completed a professional course which qualifies them for the position to be filled.

2 — Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1 notification of personnel within a given occupation will be based upon order of registration from among those who meet the necessary qualifications with the exception of those notified under the provisions of the following paragraph and article 25.

3 — For supervisory positions, USFORAZ may select an individual from each career field with the necessary qualifications for the position to be filled without having to follow the order of recruitment established herein.

Article 20 Referral of personnel

Whenever the request for personnel is made in accordance with article 17, the requesting agency may request referral of 3 individuals with the necessary qualifications for selection, test or interview purposes.

Article 21 Removal from registration lists

The following individuals will be removed from the registration list of personnel seeking employment:

a) Personnel notified for selection purposes who do not report within 4 days without a valid reason;

b) Personnel referred for appointment who do not report within 48 hours without a valid reason;

c) Personnel who refuse an employment offer within their occupation and pay grade without a valid reason.