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to COMUSFORAZ within 2 weeks of receipt of the classification appeal. In the event the TCPC cannot reach agreement on its recommendation, both views will be submitted to COMUSFORAZ for his consideration in making a decision on the appeal.

3 — If the employee is dissatisfied with the decision of COMUSFORAZ, lis may further appeal the classification o'i his position through the established classification appeal channels to headquarters, US Air Forve. Specific procedures for pursuing an appeal through US Air Force channsis shall be contained in USFO-RAZ internal regulations.

4 — USFORAZ will notify the employee in writing of any change in his classification. Full details regarding the new classification shall be made available to the employes.

Article 9

Performance of duties not included In the position description

1 — An employes must perform work related to the specific position for which he was employed, except as provided in following paragraph 2.

2 — An employee may be temporarily assigned duties not included in the position description when USFORAZ interests so require it, as long as this change does not entail a reduction in pay or a substantial change in his position.

3 — An employee is entitled to a temporary promotion whenever the performance of higher graded duties lasts more than 30 days. Dn such cases the temporary promotion becomes effective from the beginning of the performance of those duties.

4 — Whenever the temporary performance of new duties lasts more than 6 months, the promotion will become permanent and the worker will be entitled to the highest grade corresponding to those duties. Whenever the temporary promotion is caused by another employee's forced absence under provisions of article 68, however, the employee will not be permanently promoted until the obligation to the absent employee has ceased.

5 — Whenever the situation referred to in paragraph 3 lasts more than 30 consecutive days, the employee who remains on the rolls can be required to return to his former position only to allow for the reinstatement c? the former incumbent to whom the position may be obligatory.

Article 10 Changs in grade

11 — USFORAZ cannot reduce an employee's professional category or his c3ass within a respective category. Exceptions to provisions of this section include:

a) Cases where art employee serving under a temporary promotion is returned to his former


b) Cases in which an employee voluntarily and for his own convenience requests transfer to a different professional category or lower class. Such request imus* be in writing and will be approved by AAC afser consultation with SRT;

c) Cases meriting separation under article 87 and where, at the option; of USFORAZ, con-tinued employment in a different category or class is offered in lieu of separation;

d) Cases in which an employee is 'inabie to perform the full range of duties of his position due to a coitfirmeo msdtcaj ícfaiiíjf end continued employment in a different category or class is offered in lieu of separation. In such cases, the employee may be reassigned immediately following the initial medical determination, however, the case will be forwarded through AAC to ihs CzrJ.ro cz ?resiaçcss Pecuniárias da Segurança Sects. (CPFSS) for review.

2 — Wherever the employes accepts continued employment under conditions outlined in paragraph 1, c) and d), above, the employment shall be with no less of pay and benefits as provided by this regulation.

3 — The employee assigned to a lower grude shaît receive his current raie of pay, plass one-half of any wage increase granted his former position until the scheduled rate for his new position tss& or excceds his retained rate of pay.

4 — Employees subject to the provisions of paragraph 1, d), who decline continued employment under paragraphs 2 and 3 may be terminated urcar the provisions of article 88.

Article II Personnel strength

1 — USFORAZ will prepare a personal strengnt report containing the name, age, date of appointement, grade, class, pay rate, and CPPSS beneficiary number of each employee as of 31 March of each year. The report will be prepared in quadriplicate and will be furnished AAC by 31 May.

2 — A copy of ths report will be kopt by USFORAZ. USFORAZ will forward one copy to the Commitee of Employee Representatives and two copies to AAC. AAC will provide one copy to the Regional Secretary of Labour.

3 — The provisions of this; article apply to all changes resulting from promotions appointments, separations and other circumstances winch must be reported on a monthly basis.

CHAPTER III Registration and recruitment of personal

Article 12 Recruitment

AAC is responsible for recruitment of USFORAZ employees.

Article 15 Registration

1 — Individuals desiring to work tor USFORAZ must register with SRPC (Civilian Personnel Recruitment Section).