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Chapter iv — Responsibilities and rights of the parties:

Article 27 — Rights and responsibilities of the employee. Article 28 — Rights and responsibilities of the employer. "* Article 29 — Women employees. Article 30 — Restriction of access to PAF area. Article 31 — Identification badge.

Chapter v — Committee of employee representatives:

Article 32 — General principle.

Article 33 — Elections.

Article 34 — Constitution.

Article 35 —Meetings with COMUSFORAZ.

Article 36 — Allowance of hours.

Article 37 — Meetings of the workforce (times and place). Article 38 — Rights of the committee.

Chapter vi — Performance of work: Section r.

Article 39 — Trial period. Article 40 — Appointments.

Section ii:

Article 41 — Normal work periods. Article 42 — Lunch periods. Article 43 — Overtime. Article 44 — Overtime work limits. Article 45 —Work in shifts. Article 46 — Night work. Article 47 — Work schedules. Article 48 — Overtime pay.

Article 49 — Special provisions for women employees.

Chapter vu — Interruption of work:

Section i —Weekly day off, holidays, vocation, and leave without pay:

Article 50 —Weekly day off. Article 51 —Work performed on weekly day off. Article 52—Legal holidays. Article 53 — Holiday pay. Article 54 — Entitlement to leave. Article 55 — Acquiring entitlement to leave for vacation. Article 56 — Vacation periods. Article 57 — Vacation pay. Article 58 — Accumulation of vacation. Article 59 — Scheduling of vacation. Article 60 — Postponement of interruption of scheduled leave.

Article 61 — Employment termination effects.

Article ¿2 — Employment interruption effects.

Article 63 — Illness during leave. •

Article 64 — Unused vacation.

Article 65 — Prohibition during leave.

Article 66—Leave without pay.

Article 67 — Reemployment rights to position.

Section n — Interruption due to prolonged forced abscence:

Article 68 — Interruption due to forced absence on the

part of the employee. Article 69—Return of employee. Article 70 — Replacement of employee.

Section m — Absences:

Article 71 —Definition.

Article 72 — Justified absences.

Article 73 — Notification of absences.

Article 74 — Policies related to unjustified absences.

Article 75 — Serious disciplinary violations.

Article 76 — Effects on leave.

Chapter vui — Pay rates:

Article 77 — Computation of pay rates.

Article 78 — Longevity increments.

Article 79 — Christmas subsidy.

Article 80 — Payroll, leave and earnings statement.

Article 81—Social welfare contributions.

Chapter ix — Penalties and disciplinary policies:

Article 82 — Disciplinary authority.

Article 83 — Disciplinary actions.

Article 84 — Limits of penalties.

Article 85 — Procedures for administering discipline.

Article 86 —Notification of USFORAZ.

Chapter x — Termination of employment:

Article 87 — Termination with indemnity. Article 88 — Termination without indemnity.

Chapter xi — Hygiene and safety of the workforce:

Article 89 — On-the-job accidents and occupational diseases. Article 90—Fatal accidents. Article 91 — Safety officer.

Chapter xu — Grievances, complaints and appeals:

Article 92 — Processing complaints. Article 93 — Rights of redress. Article 94 — Arbitral commission. Article 95 — Competent court.

Chapter xin — Miscellaneous provisions: Article 96 —Validity.

Attachment i — Wage schedules. Attachment u — English language bonus. Attachment m — Transportation.


Agreement between the United States Department of Defense and the Portuguese Ministry of Defense Relating to the Employment of Portuguese Nationals by the United Stares Forces, Azores.

The United States Department of Defense and the Portuguese Ministry of Defense:

Having agreed in the Portuguese-American Defense and Cooperation Agreement to the establishment of terms and conditions of employment of Portuguese nationals by US Forces, Azores;

Recognizing the need to promote and maintain sound employment practices which will assure equality of treatment of all employees; the orderly administration and effective operation of the facilities; and continuing favorable employer-employee relations thereon; and

Believing that an agreement will be mutually beneficial;

have agreed as follows:

CHAPTER I Scope and applicable regulations

Article 1 Scope

1 — This regulation constitutes an agreement be-fwee the Portuguese Defense Ministry and the United States Department of Defense. In administering the terms and conditions of this regulation, United States Forces, Azores (hereinafter called USFORAZ) and the Azores Air Command (hereinafter called AAC) are designated as representatives of the parties. This