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13 DE MARÇO DE 1985


Agreement governs the labour relations between USFORAZ and its Portuguese employees.

2 — This regulation shall apply to all Portuguese employees directly paid by USFORAZ.

3 — This Agreement is consistent with Portuguese legislation pertaining to labour, syndical organization and social welfare.

Article 2 Special policies and programs

1 — Application of this regulation may be adjusted whenever employees are or become subject to special conditions, in all or part of their activities, due to military requirements or the characteristics of their job.

2 — The adjustments referred to in the previous paragraph shall be contained in attachments to this regulation thus becoming an integral part of it.

3 — The policy defined in the previous paragraph applies also to employees included in special programs approved by the Portuguese and American Governments.

Article 3 Attachments

Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous article, attachments to this regulation are an integral part of it and are as follows:

Attachment i — Wage schedules and longevity

increments bonus schedules; Attachment u — English language bonus; Attachment m — Transportation.

Article 4 Publication

1 — The Portuguese language version of this regulation will be published concurrently with the English language version in the Diário da República (Journal of the Republic) as well as in the Jornal Oficial dos Açores (Official Journal of the Azores).

2 — Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous paragraph, copies of this regulation shall be maintained in all USFORAZ sections.

Article 5 Internal regulations

1 — In accordance with this regulation and applicable laws, USFORAZ may issue internal regulations concerning its Portuguese employees.

2 — The regulations referred to in paragraph 1 will be submitted to AAC (4 copies) and to the Committee of Employee Representatives for their review and comment. AAC will supply 2 copies to the Regional Secretary of Labour (SRT).

3 — AAC and the Committee of Employee Representatives agree to submit their views and opinions, as desired, to USFORAZ within thirty calendar days following receipt of such regulations. USFORAZ may publish the regulations following the thirty day time period, without prejudice to the following paragraph.

4 — If AAC or the Committee of Employee Representatives considers the proposed internal regulation

to be outside the scope of this Agreement and or applicable Portuguese law, they may submit their concerns to the Ministry of National Defense in Lisbon and USFORAZ, who will negotiate the approval of the regulations in question within 30 days.

5 — USFORAZ will publish the internal regulations. Copies of the regulations will be posted in work areas at all times for reference by employees.

CHAPTER II Classification and professional categories

Article 6 Professional classification

1 — USFORAZ employees subject to the provisions of this regulation are classified in accordance with the classification system and occupational categories referred to in article 7 and are assigned a grade in conformity with the duties of the specific position for which they were employed.

2 — Whenever an employee performs duties involving more than one grade, he will be classified according to the highest level duty which the employee regularly performs.

Article 7 Professional classification system

USFORAZ employees shall be classified in accordance with the guidelines of the official US Classification System. USFORAZ shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date library of classification standards, directives and guidelines.

Employees, the Committee of Employee Representatives, AAC, and SRT shall enjoy the right of unrestricted access to all such documents. Tables of occupational categories and corresponding wage schedules shall be established according to the same guidelines and shall be adopted by separate attachment to this regulation.

Article 8 Professional reclassification

1 — The implementation of a new professional classification standard or correction of a classification error cannot result in the lowering of an employee's grade or pay. Positions requiring downgrade will be identified; however, the downgrade action will not be consummated until the position becomes unencumbered.

2 — Whenever an employee disagrees with the classification of his position, he may appeal the classification decision to COMUSFORAZ. In rendering his decision, COMUSFORAZ shall consider the recommendation of the Technical Commission on Professional Classification (TCPC):

a) The TCPC is composed of one classification specialist representing USFORAZ and one classification specialist representing AAC;

b) The TCPC shall operate in HQ USFORAZ and will normally submit its recommendation