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Article 22 Assistance from employment center

1 — If SRPC does not have qualified personnel registered with die desired occupation, it will request the necessary personnel from the CEAH.

2 — If CEAH is unable to provide qualified personnel for requested occupations they may advertise the vacancy in local newspapers. Such advertisements will be paid for by USFORAZ.

Article 23 Recruitment outside of Tercel ra

If it becomes necessary to recruit personnel with the required qualifications off Terceira Island, a USFORAZ representative may go to the other islands of the Azores and Madeira Archipelagos or to the mainland to contract the necessary personnel in accordance with the information provided by the Regional Secretary of Labor.

Article 24 Return transportation

USFORAZ will provide employees contracted under the provisions of article 23 return transportation to their usual place of residence upon termination of the work contract.

Article 25

Requisition by name

Former USFORAZ employees may be requested by name provided they performed the same type of work and are otherwise eligible for employment.

Article 26 Appointment procedures

1 — Personnel who have been selected for appointment will report to the USFORAZ CCPO, which will prepare individual employment proposals and forward these to SRPC for completion of processing after said candidates have accomplished the required medical exams and skill tests as well as other requirements.

2—'Individual employment proposals will be prepared in triplicate.

CHAPTER IV Responsibilities and rights of the parties

Article 27 Rights and responsibilities of the employee

1 — The following are the rights of the employee:

a) USFORAZ employees shall be protected in the exercise of their rights freely and without fear of penalty or reprisal from either party;

b) This regulation does not prevent employees from bringing matters of personal concern to the attention of appropriate officials;

e) Employees have the right to conduct their private lives as they deem fit. Employees shall have the right to engage in outside activities of their own choosing without being required to report to USFORAZ on such activities, except when such outside activities interfere with the official USFORAZ duties or are construed to conflict with USFORAZ mission requirements;

d) Neither USFORAZ nor AAC will coerce in any manner and require employees to invest their money, donate to charity, or participate in activities, meetings, or undertakings not related to their performance of official USFORAZ duties nor will any reprisal action be made by USFORAZ or ACC against an employee who refrains from such activity.

2 — The following are the responsibilities of the employee:

a) To comply with established laws and military regulations applicable within the scope of article 1;

b) To report to work at the legally established time and to remain on duty during work hours;

c) To perform assigned duties intelligently, con-scienciously and to the best of his ability and to act honestly, fairly and impartially in his position;

d) To comply with his supervisor's instructions accurately and promptly;

e) To strictly observe military security regulations. An employee will not discuss or disclose any information brought to his attention by virtue of his duties;

f) To treat with respect and loyalty his supervisors, subordinates and other workers in the same organization of equal or lower grade, both on and off duty;

g) To be courteous in their relations with each other and the public in general;

h) To help one another whenever job interests so require;

0 To observe strict compliance with rules of health and safety;

/) To observe ideological and political impartiality in the performance of occupational activities; and

k) To fully comply with the terms of the work contract.

Article 28 Rights and responsibilities of the employer

1 — In accordance with this regulation and applicable Portuguese law, the following are the rights of the employer:

a) Determine its mission, budget, organization and number of employees;

b) Hire, assign, direct, lay off and retain employees;