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13 DE MARÇO DE 1985


Article 46 Night work

1 — Work performed between 20 and 7 is considered night work.

2 — USFORAZ employs workers in four separate categories:

a) Workers whose work contract specifies a rotating shift schedule;

b) Workers whose work contract specifies a permanent shift other than the day shift (8-17);

c) Workers whose work contract specifies an uncommon tour of duty in accordance with article 41, paragraph 2; and

d) Workers on the day shift.

3 — For workers in categories paragraph 2, a), b), and c), above, a nigth differential premium of 25 % of the employee's basic hourly rate is established for all work performed beteween 20 and 7 hours.

4 — For workers in category paragraph 2, d), above, a nigth differential premium of 50 % the basic hourly rate is established for all work performed between 20 and 7.

5 — Those employees who have been permanently assigned to a shift since 1972 for which nigth differential is appropriate shall be entitled to a 50 % differential.

6 — Should the annual wage survey specified in article 96 reflect that the majority (more than 50 %) of the companies surveyed pay a different nigth differential rate than that specified above, the USFORAZ rate will be adjusted accordingly.

Article 47 Work schedules

1 _ Work schedules established by USFORAZ in accordance with applicable provisions will be conspicuously posted in all work areas subject to this regulation.

2 —Work schedules for USFORAZ employees on uncommon tours of duty or working in shifts, as defined in article 41, paragraph 2 and 45, paragraph 1, will be submitted to AAC and SRT for aproval.

3 — The Committee of Employee Representatives will be provided a copy of all changes to organization work schedules for their review and comment.

Article 48 Overtime pay

1 — Except as provided in paragraph 2, below, overtime work shall be computed at a premium rate of 100 % of the basic hourly rate established in accordance with article 77.

2 — Employees whose work schedule specifies regularly scheduled overtime will be paid at a premium rate of 50 % of the basic hourly rate for the regularly scheduled overtime and at a rate of 100 % for overtime in excess of the regularly scheduled overtime.

3 — Should the annual wage survey specified in article 96 reflect that the majority (more than 50 %) of the companies surveyed pay a different overtime rate, the USFORAZ overtime rate will be adjusted accordingly.

Article 49 Special provisions for women employees

1 — Women employees subject to the provisions of this regulation cannot perform work before 7 and after 20 except in special cases approved by AAC after consultation with SRT.

2 — USFORAZ is required to excuse women employees with family responsibilities from performance of overtime work whenever they so request. Said excusai cannot result in less favorable treatment.

CHAPTER VII Interruption of work


Weekly day off, hoHdaya, vacation, and leave without pay

Article 50 Weekly day off

1 — Employees subject to the provisions of this regulation are entitled to a weekly day off which, as a rule, will be Sunday.

2 — Activities whose operation on Sunday is authorized by law will schedule the day off according to the operation of those activities.

3 — When work is performed in shifts, shifts must be established so that employees have a day off within each 7 days.

4 —USFORAZ will schedule the day off refered to in the previous paragraph to fall periodically on a Sunday at least 4 times a year.

5 — Whenever the work schedule so permits, em-'ployees will be given an additional day or half-day

off which will precede the day off defined in paragraph 1.

6 — Employees belonging to the same household shall be given the same weekly day off whenever possible.

Article 51 Work performed on weekly day off

1 — An employee may be required to work on his weekly day of! only when a mission essential requirement exists; in cases of serious accidents or imminent serious losses and damages.

2 — SRT shall be notified thru AAC of the situations specified in paragraph 1 within 48 hours.

3 — Personnel required to work during the period referrede to in the previous paragraph shall be paid at a rate of 200 % and shall be entitled to a day off on one of the 3 following days.