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13 DE MARCO DE 1985


2 — As an exception, if important personal or family reasons are involved, employees may request that their vacation period be carried over for accumulation in order to take it with the vacation period of the following year.

3 — The maximium amount of vacation period that may be varried forward from one calendar year to another is 24 work days. Any days to the employee's credit which at the end of the calendar year would exceed 24 work days must be taken prior to the end of the calendar year or lost.

Article 59 Scheduling of vacation

1 — The vacation period should be scheduled by mutual agreement between USFORAZ and the employee.

2 — If there is no agreement, USFORAZ shall prepare the vacation shedule after advising the Committee of Employee Representatives regarding this matter.

3 — In the case specified in paragraph 2, USFORAZ may only schedule the vacation period between 1 May and 31 October.

4 — The final vacation schedule shall be completed and posted in all work sections no later than 15 April of each year.

5 — Employees belonging to the same household shall the option of taking their yearly vacation period at the same time, unless a determination is made that priority job requirements exist.

Article 60

Postponement or Interruption of scheduled leave

1 — Whenever an employee's scheduled use of the major portion of his leave must be postponed or interrupter due to imperative operational requirements of USFORAZ, the employee may be entitled to a compensation. The compensation will be paid in the event an employee sustains direct monetary losses as a result of the interruption of his leave. The employee is responsible for verifying the amount of direct monetary loss and the compensation will be limited to that amount.

2 — Wenever an employee's scheduled use of the major portion of his leave is interrupted by USFORAZ, one-half of that leave period must be taken without interruption.

3 — The vacation periodo must be rescheduled whenever an employee is temporarily unable to begin his scheduled vacation period due to reasons beyond his control.

4 — Any postponed leave will be rescheduled for a time acceptable to USFORAZ and the employee. If an employee's leave is rescheduled into a subsequent calendar year, he shall not be subject to the limitation othedwise imposable under article 58.

Article 61

Employment termination effects

1 — Upon termination of employment, USFORAZ pay the employee the remuneration equivalent to a

proportional vacation period of the time in service during the yar of termination. The same procedure shall be applied with respect to the remuneration owed for vacation subsidy.

2 — If employment is terminated before the vacation period earned at the beginning of that year is taken, the employee will be entitled to receive the remuneration equivalent to that period. The same procedure shall be applied with respect to the remuneration owed for vacation subsidy.

3 — The vacation period referred to in paragraph 1 and 2 shall count as time in service if not taken.

Article 62 Employment interruption effects

1 — If the employee is unable to take all or part of his earned vacation during the year in which the work contract is interrupted due to prolonged forced absence under article 68, he shall be entitled to a remuneration equivalent to the unused vacation period and the corresponding subsidy.

2 — Upon termination of the prolonged forced absence, the employee shall be entitled to the vacation period and corresponding subsidy that he would have earned in January of that year as if he had not been absent from work.

3 — The vacation days in excess of the number of days occurring between the time the employee reports for work at the end of his forced absence and the end of the calendar year in which the forced absence took place shall be used during the first three months of the following year.

Article 63 Illness during leave

1 — If the employee becomes ill while on leave, his leave will be interrupted as long as USFORAZ is informed of the illness. The remainder of the leave can be used upon termination of the illness or as agreed upon by both parties.

2 — Proof of illness in the situation specified in the previous paragraph may be provided by a hospital, a social security physician, or by a medical certificate.

Article 64

Unused vacation

Each employee must be provided an opportunity to use all vacation earned on 1 January of each year in that year. If USFORAZ denies the employee the opportunity to use that vacation, the employee shall receive three times the remuneration equivalent to the vacation denied.

Article 65 Prohibition during leave

1 — An employee may not engage in any other paid activity during his leave unless he had already been engaged in such activity cumulatively or USFORAZ so authorizes him.