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Article 77 Computation of pay rates

1 — A schedule of basic monthly salaries will be included in this regulation by attachement. It will be reviewed and adjusted annually.

2 — USFORAZ employees will be paid on a biweekly basis, 26 times annually.

3 —The pay to which full-time USFORAZ employees will be entitled is established by mathematically converting the basic monthly rate to a bi-weekly rate. Administration of pay shall be effectuated by conversion to basic hourly rates of pay. Computation of the basic hourly rates of pay for purposes of this regulation, such as for payment of overtime, uncommon tours of duty, night work, holiday work, deduction for absences, etc., shall be obtained by the following formula:


HR — Hourly rare;

MP — Monthly pay;

LB — Language bonus;

HW — Work hours per week;

LI — Longevity increments.

Part-time and intermittent employees will be paid according to the basic hourly rates of pay.

4 — Pay rates cannot be fractioned into periods of less than 1 hour.

5 — An employee's initial appointment within the scope of this regulation will specify whether he is entitled to subsistence and/or housing.

Article 78 Longevity increments

1 — USFORAZ employees will be entitled to longevity increases in amounts equal to Portuguese government employees. These increments will be a part of their basic annual salary after attainment of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years of creditable service. Increases will become effective on the first day of the pay period following completion of the 5-year waiting period.

2 — The entitlement to longevity increases referred to in the previous paragraph will become effective simultaneously with the public sector employee's longevity increases.

Article 79

Christmas subsidy

1 — All new employees who have completed 30 days of service by 31 December of the respective year are entitled to a Christmas subsidy proportionate to the amount of time spent in a duty status during the first year of the employment. An employee who has served

continuously for a year or more by 31 December of the respective year shall receive a Christmas subsidy equal to one month's salary. This subsidy will be payable on the first payday in December.

2 — The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to part-time and intermittent employees proportionate to time spent in a duty status during the year.

3 — Employees who are terminated are entitled to a Christmas subsidy proportionate to their months in service for the respective year.

Article 80 Payroll leave and farnings statement

On each payday, employees shall be given a statement reflecting the employee's full name, CPPSS beneficiary number, pay period covered, itemized overtime, night differencial, weekly day of rest or holiday pay, deductions and net pay.

Article 81 Social Security contributions

1 — Payroll offices are authorized, upon written request from an employee, to deduct appropriate labor union dues from employee wages in accordance with amounts established by the appropriate labor union. Payroll offices are further authorized, upon written request from an employee, to cease such deductions.

2 — Social welfare and family bonus contributions shall be as follows:

a) USFORAZ and it employees will submit to social welfare contributions as set forth in Portuguese law. These contributions will be submitted on a monthly basis;

b) The above contributions will be based on the employee's normal salary to include only the basic annual salary, English language bonus, longevity increase, Christmas subsidy, vacation subsidy, meal subsidy, uncommon tours of duty, and regularly scheduled overtime or night work. Additionally, contributions are made on severance pay;

c) Changes in Portuguese law relating to the above will be communicated to USFORAZ through AAC by the Centro de Prestações Pecuniárias da Segurança Social de Angra do Heroísmo.

CHAPTER IX Penalties and disciplinary policies

Article 82 Disciplinary authority

USFORAZ has disciplinary authority over its Portuguese civilian employees.