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2 — Violations to the provisions of this paragraph entitle USFORAZ to recover the remuneration equivalent to the leave. The provisions of this paragraph do not preclude disciplinary action against the employee.

Article 66 Leave without pay

1 — USFORAZ may approve leave without pay at the request of the employee, not to exceed 1 year. If unusual circumstances warrant, this period may be extended by USFORAZ.

2 — The period of leave without pay is creditable for length of service purposes but not for accrual of leave.

3 — During said period, the rights, responsibilities and guarantees of the parties are terminated since they presuppose the actual performance of work.

Article 67 Reemployment rights to position

1 — The employee in a leave without pay status pursuant to article 66 has the rigth to return to his position, up to 1 year. If the employee has been granted an extension under article 66, paragraph 1, the right to return will also be extended for a like period.

2 — A substitute for the employee in a leave without pay status may be hired on the basis of a temporary appointment.

SECTION II Interruption due to prolonged forced absence

Article 68

Interruption due to forced absence on the part of the employee

1 — When it becomes known that an employee will be absent for more than 30 calendar days due to reasons beyond his control, such as illness or accidents, the work contract is suspended and the rights, responsibilities and guarantees of the parties are terminated since they presuppose the actual performance of work. An employee under a permanent appointment must be notified in writing of the following prior to suspension of the work contract:

a) Upon suspension of the work contract, the position will become obligated for the employee until such time as the employee is able to return to the position;

6) If the employee recovers, he may return to his position upon medical certification from Social Security that he is capable of performing the specific duties of his position;

c) Whenever it becomes certain that the employee will be unable to return to work, the obligation will cease.

2 — When it becomes known that an employee will be required to enter the Portuguese military services, the work contract is suspended and the rights, respon-

sibilities and guarantees of the parties are terminated since they presuppose the actual performance of work. The employee who is under a permanent appointment will be informed in writing that his position will become obligated for a term equal to his term of obligated military service and that he will have return rights to the position or to an equivalent position at the same grade level.

3 — If the appointment is of a temporary nature, the interruption does not preclude its termination at the end of the appointment period.

4— The provisions of this section guaranteeing return rights do not apply to intermittent employees or employees terminated within the probationary period.

Article 69 Return of employee

1 — When the ill employee under the previous article returns to duty, he will be placed in his former position or another position having the same grade and classification. The return to duty must be effected within 15 days from the date USFORAZ receives notice of the employee's availability.

2 — When the employee is discharged from the military service and desires to return to the position to which he has return rights according to the previous article, he must notify CCPO in writing not later than 30 calendar days following discharge. Failure to comply with this time limit will negate his entitlement to return to the position without competition, and the obligation on the position will be rescinded.

3 — The periods of absence noted in paragraphs 1 and 2 above will be creditable service for length of service purposes.

Article 70

Replacement of employee

A position which becomes obligated for the reasons stated in article 68 may be filled temporarily. The employee or applicant who is selected for the obligated position will be informed in writing of the appointment prior to final selection. If the selectee must be hired rather than internally reassigned or promoted to assume the position, he will receive a temporary appointment pursuant to article 40.


Article 71 Definition

1 — An employee is considered absent when he is not present during his normal duty hours.

2 — When an employee is absent from work for shorter periods than his normal duty hours, the individual absences will be added to determine the normal workday periods for which he was absent.

3 — In cases where the normal workdays are not equal, the shortest period will always be considered