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13 DE MARÇO DE 1985



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Article 39 TrisD psj-Iod

í — Considering the special nature of the work performed by USFORAZ, new employees will be required to serve the following trial periods:

a) Employees are considered to be on a trial basis for the first 3C days oí employment;

b) The period defined in the above subparagraph dees r.ct apply to positions such as accounting and engineering technicians, mechanical maintenance and repair technicians, aircraft and electronic equipment maintenance technicians, skilled tradesmen and craftsmen, supervisors, fire fighters and ethers requiring prolonged training and development which require a greater íriaí period due to the technical complexity or elevated degree of responsibility of such jobs or duties. The greater trial period shall not exceed 4 months. En such cases, the duration of the trial period shall bs specified in the employment contract.

2 — During the probationary period following selection in a permanent or temporary appointment, an empioyee may be separated for sub-standard performance and/or misconduct without advance notice or indemnity.

3 — During the probationary period following selection to a permanent or temporary appointment of an employee, the immediate supervisor will make the determination in accordance with USFORAZ internal directives as to whether his subordinate employee meets the genera! character traits and qualification for continued employrssnt with USFORAZ. If a determination is tríade to separate the employee, his future selection into a USFORAZ position must be approved by COMUSFORAZ prior to appointment action. If such approval is granted, the time spent during the first probationary period will not be considered creditable service for any reason.

4—If the employee remains employed with USFORAZ during the entire probationary period, that time will count for length of service purposes.

Article 4C Appointments

1 — An employee of USFORAZ must be selected to serve under a permanent or temporary appointment, with corresponding conditions as set forth in this regulation. As a permanent employee, he may be selected to work in cither a full-time or part-time schedule. A temporary employee may work either a full-time or pert-time or intermittent schedule.

2 — Employees selected for temporary employment must be appointed on a time limited basis not to exceed 6 months. The employment period must be

stated in a written document effectuating the appointment and be signed by the employer end employee. Prior to expiration of the appointment period, the employee must be given at least an § calendar cay notice of his termination. In the event the required notice is not given, the employee shall! be extended automatically for an additional like period. The appointment can be successively renewed in like manner up to a maximum of three years. After that time, rite appointment becomes permanent and seniority wilt be counted from the date of initial! employment. If, however, the temporary employment is caused by another employee's forced absence pursuant to article 68, paragraph J, the temporary appointment wiU continue until the obligation to the absent employee has ceased. °

3 — USFORAZ may utilize part-time and intermittent employees as necessary for econcmicaJ operation. Placement preference for part-time and intermittent employees will be given to individuals with family obligations or with impaired work capability, provided they are qualified for the available jobs. Full-time employees of USFORAZ are not eligible for part-time employment, but may be considered for intermittent employment. Part-time employees may aiso be considered for intermittent employment. In no case, however, may an employee work more than 48 hours within a workweek.

4 — The employment of part-time emplioyees shall be subject to the following provisions, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 above:

a) A part-time employee shall have an established work schedule. The work schedule shall have fewer hours per week than the full-time work schedule as defined by article 41, but shall constitute no less than 2 consecutive hours per workday and 28 hours per workweek. The work schedule and salary will be explained and accepted by the applicant prior to final selection;

b) The minimum hours per week as explained above can be changed to a minimum o* 12 hours per week for part-time employees o* the open messes if the workdays arc limited to either fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays. Neither of the 2 workdays, however, sazll consist of less than 4 consecutive hours;

c) Placement consideration for full-time positions will be extended to part-time employees.

5 — The employment of intermittent employees shall be subject to the following provisions, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraphs \, 2, and 3, above:

a) Employees selected for intermittent jobs may be called to work on an «as needed» basis or for regularly scheduled tours of duty which consist of less than 18 hours per week. The intermittent nature of the employment wiEE be stated in writing and signed by the employer and employee;

b) Individuals employed as intermittent employees shall be entitled to an hourly wage for the hours actually worked and shall be covered by on-the-job accident insurance during the actual work period. Applicable social welfare