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Article 52 Legal holidays

The following are considered legal holidays:

1) New Year's Day — 1 January;

2) Mardi Gras — Variable;

3) Day of Liberty —25 April;

4) Good Friday — Variable;

5) Day of the Worker — 1 May;

6) Corpus Christi — Variable;

7) Espirito Santo Monday — Variable;

8) Day of Portugal —10 June;

9) Praia da Vitora (municipal holiday) — Variable (If granted employees by Air Base n.° 4);

10) Assumption Day —15 August;

11) Founding of the Republic—5 October;

12) All Saints' Day—1 November;

13) Restoration of Independence— 1 December;

14) Immaculate Conception — 8 December;

15) Christmas Day — 25 December.

Article 53 Holiday Pay

1 — All employees shall be paid for the holidays referred to in the previous article when the holidays fall on a regular day of work.

2 — When the holiday falls on a regularly scheduled non-work day, the employee shall not be entitled to any remuneration or additional day off for such holiday.

3 — Personnel required to work on a holiday shall be paid at a rate of 200 % of the basic pay.

4 — In the event that COMUSFORAZ authorizes any additional holidays over and beyond those authorized in article 52 above, those employees released to observe the additional holiday will receive their regular remuneration; however, declaration of such holidays does not obligate USFORAZ to the provisions of paragraph 3 above.

Article 54 Entitlement to leave

1 —All USFORAZ employees shall be entitled to accrue and use leave for vacation, personal and emergency purposes.

2 — A new employee must have been on the rolls in a pay or non-pay status for a continuous period of 30 calendar days from the date of his appointment before leave can be available for use.

3 — Entitlement to leave is undeniable and the actual use of leave cannot be substituted, except as expressly authorized herein, by any compensation, monetary or otherwise, even with the employee's consent.

Article 55

Acquiring entitlement to leave for vacation

\ — Entitlement to leave for vacation is based upon work performed in the previous calendar year. Leave

is earned as of January 1, except when employment begins during the first semester of the calendar year. In this case, an employee shall be entitled to a vacation period of 10 consecutive days after completion of the trial period.

2 — Entitlement to leave for vacation is not subject to an employee's assiduity or time in service, except as specified in article 74, paragraph 2.

Article 56 Vacation periods

1 — The annual vacation period will be as follows:

a) 16 work days for an employee on an indefinite appointment with less than 2 years of creditable service as of 1 January of the respective year, except for employees on the 88 hours schedule who will earn 18 work days;

b) 24 work days for employees on an indefinite appointment with 2 years or more of creditable service as of 1 January of the respective year;

c) 2 work days for each complete month of service if an employee is on a temporary appointment

2 — Employees may use their leave on a daily basis. However, employees will be encouraged to schedule the major portion of their annual leave for a single period of absence.

3 — For purposes of determining the complete month of service referred to in paragraph 1, c), all of the days in which work was performed, both consecutive and interpolated, will be counted.

Article 57 Vacation pay

1 — The remuneration owed during the vacation period cannot be less than the amount an employee would receive if he were actually working. Said remuneration shall be paid prior to the onset of employee's vacation period.

2 — In addition to the remuneration mentioned in the previous paragraph, employees are entitled to a vacation subsidy equal to 100 % of said remuneration.

3 — Said subsidy shall be paid in a lump once annually on the payday prior to the vacation, or major portion thereof, if the vacation period is segmented. The subsidy cannot be carried over to the next year. Therefore, if the employee does not take his annual leave and carries it over to the next year, he will be paid his subsidy for the previous year on the payday covering the first pay period of the new calendar year.

4 — The reduction in vacation period authorized in article 72, paragraph 2 does not entail a corresponding reduction in remuneration or vacation subsidy.

Article 58 Accumulation of vacation

I—Vacation should be taken during the course of the calendar year in which earned.