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7 — a) The Assembly shall meet once in every second calendar year in ordinary session upon convocation by the Director General, preferably during the same period and at the same place as the General Assembly of the Organization.

b) The Assembly shall meet in extraordinary session upon convocation by the Director General, either on his own initiative or at the request of one-forth of the Contracting States.

8 — The Assembly shall adopt its own rules of procedure.

Article 11 International Bureau

1 — The International Bureau shall:

0 Perform the administrative tasks concerning the Union, in particular such tasks as are specifically assigned to it under this Treaty and the Regulations or by the Assembly;

ii) Provide de secretariat of revision conferences of the Assembly, of committees and working groups established by the Assembly, and of any other meeting convened by the Director General and dealing with matters of concern to the Union.

2 — The Director General shall be the chief executive of the Union and shall represent the Union.

3 — The Director General shall convene all meetings dealing with matters of concern to the Union.

4—a) The Director General and any staff member designated by him shall participate, without the' right to vote, in all meetings of the Assembly, the committees and working groups established by the Assembly, and any other meeting convened by the Director General and dealing with matters of concern to the Union.

b) The Director General, or a staff member designated by him, shall be ex officio secretary of the Assembly, and of the committees, working groups and other meetings referred to in subparagraph a).

5 — a) The Director General shall, in accordance with the directions of the Assembly, make the preparations for revision conferences.

b) The Director General may consult with intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations concerning the preparations for revision conferences.

c) The Director General and persons designated by him shall take part, without the right to vote, in the discussions at revision conferences.

d) The Director General, or a staff member designated by him, shall be ex officio secretary of any revision conference.

Article 12 Regulations -

1 — The Regulations provide rules concerning:

i) Matters in respect of which this Treaty expressly refers to the Regulations or expressly provides that they are or shall be prescribed;

ii) Any administrative requirements, matters or procedures;

Hi) Any details useful in the implementation of this Treaty.

2 — The Regulations adopted at the same time as this Treaty are annexed to this Treaty.

3 — The Assembly may amend the Regulations.

4 — a) Subject to subparagraph b), adoption of any amendment of the Regulations shall require two-thirds of the votes cast.

b) Adoption of any amendment concerning the furnishing of samples of deposited microorganisms by the international depositary authorities shall required that no Contracting State vote against the proposed amendment.

5 — In the case of conflict between the provisions of this Treaty and those of the Regulations, the provisions of this Treaty shall prevail.

CHAPTER III Revision and amendment

Article 13 Revision of the Treaty

1 — This Treaty may be revised from time to time by conferences of the Contracting States.

2 — The convocation of any revision conference shall be decided by the Assembly.

3 — Articles 10 and 11 may be amended either by a revision conference or according to af tide 14.

Article 14 Amendment of certain provisions of the Treaty

1 — a) Proposals under this article for the amendment of articles 10 and 11 may be initiated by any Contracting State or by the Director General.

b) Such proposals shall be communicated by the Director General to the Contracting States at least six months in advance of their consideration by the Assembly.

2 — a) Amendments to the articles referred to in paragraph 1 shall be adopted by the Assembly.

b) Adoption of any amendment to article 10 shall require four-fifths of the votes cast; adoption of any amendment to article 11 shall require three-fourths of the votes cast.

3 — a) Any amendment to the articles referred to in paragraph 1 shall enter into force one month after written notifications of acceptance, effected in accordance with. their respective constitutional processes, have been received by the Director General from three-fourths of the Contracting States members of the Assembly at the time the Assembly adopted the amendment.

b) Any amendment to the said articles thus accepted shall bind all the Contracting States which were Contracting States at the time the amendment was adopted by the Assembly provided that any amendment creating financial obligations for the said Contracting States or increasing such obligations shall bind only those Contracting States which have notified their acceptance of such amendment.

c) Any amendment which has been accepted and which has entered into force in accordance with subparagraph a) shall bind all States which become Contracting States after the date on which the amendment was adopted by the Assembly.