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sit, cross-border points and transportation means to be used by the inspection team, as well as a list of inspectors and drivers with passport numbers.

7 — The States Parties agree that a specified area

may contain declared sites of their own and stationed forces; but all declared sites within a specified area are excluded from an inspection of the specified area (inspections in accordance with section vm of the Protocol on Inspection) as they can be inspected only in accordance with section vn of the Protocol on Inspection.

8 — The States Parties to send notification of the intent to inspect simultaneously to the host and the stationing States Parties, if the inspecting State intends to conduct a sequencial inspection which involves stationed forces.

9 — Where appropriate and with the agreement of the State Party on whose territory an inspection is to be carried out in respect of conventional armaments and equipment limited by the Treaty of a stationing State Party, the stationing State Party shall assist the host nation in the provision of security protection to both the inspection team and the escort team for the duration of the inspection.

10 — Notifications of changes of 10 per cent of holdings:

- The States Parties agree that, pursuant to section vm, subparagraph 1, B), of the Protocol on Notification and Exchange of Information, the most recent update of information on holdings will always constitute the basis for any subsequent change to be notified under this paragraph;

- The notification of any change of 10 per cent or more shall be given no later than five days after such change occurs. The time period of five days is understood as being five working days.

11 — The States Parties agree to notify:

- Any changes in the designation of formations or units pursuant to sections i, hi and v of the Protocol on Notification and Exchange of Information, at least 42 days in advance;

- Any closures of objects of verification within the last month pursuant to section v of the Protocol on Notification and Exchange of Information, on the fifteenth of each month;

- Any creation of, or relocation of, an object of verification at least 42 days in advance.

12 — The States agree that, in addition to the requirements for the submission of information and notifications as prescribed in article x'vn of the Treaty and in paragraph 1 of the Annex on the Format for the Exchange of Information to the Protocol on Notification and Exchange of Information, they will endeavour to supplement the annual exchange of information pursuant to the aforementioned Protocol in written form by an electronic data version on diskette in the agreed format, the written form remaining the official version.

13 — Each State Party should notify to all other States Parties its passive declared site inspection quota coincident with each annual exchange of information provided pursuant to the Protocol on Notification and Exchange of Information, section vn, subparagraph 1, C).



1 — Introducing of common procedures governing fights of the aviation transportation means with inspection team.

2 — Point of entry/exit.

3 — Immunity of the transportation means of an inspection team.

4 — Formulation of principles for the elaboration of declared site diagrams, including the possibility of a more precise formulation/interpretation of the term «routinely».

5 — Equipment to be used during inspections.

6 — Rules on photography.

7 — Calendar year/possibility of synchronization with implementation year.

8 — Financing of the inspections.

9 — Common understanding of the obligation pursuant to the Protocol on Notification and Exchange of Information, section vm, subparagraph 1, B).

10 — Review and updating of the Treaty Notification Formats to ensure their continued viability.

11 — The issue of TLE which has left, on a temporary basis, without re-assignment, the normal peacetime locations, for commitments under the auspices of the United Nations or the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

12 — The question whether, with reference to the Protocol on Notification and Exchange of Information, section i, paragraph 1, all units and formations holding equipment subject to the Treaty, including depots, bases, and designated permanent storage sites, should be notified in both Charts I and III.

13 — Disposal of TLE in excess of reduction liabilities and disposal of decommissioned TLE.

14 — Rounding of passive inspection quotas.

15 — Enhanced transparency measures on ambulances built on the chassis of ACVs or APC look-alikes as listed in the Protocol on Existing Types of Conventional Armaments and Equipment.

annex d


1 — Article II: Definitions of:

«Group of States Parties»;

«Area of applications

«Accession of other OSCE States Parties»;

«Designated permanent storage site»;

«Armoured vehicle launched bridge'»;

«Combat aircraft»;

and the Protocol on Existing Types of Conventional Armaments and Equipment.

2 — Article III:

Export of equipment;

Transparency concerning TLE assigned to Internal Security Forces; . United peacekeeping force proposal.