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10 DE MAIO DE 1997


3 — Article IV:

Approach to limitations and maximum levels of holdings;

Stationing forces on the territory of another State Party.

4 — Article V:

Implementation; Temporary deployments; Stationed forces.

5 — Article VI:

Sufficiency nule.

6 — Article X:

Removal from designated permanent storage sites.

7 —Article XI:

Implementation; Limits;

Removals from storage.

8 — Article XII:

Armoured infantry fighting vehicles held by Internal Security .Forces (pursuant to Oslo Final Document, 5 June 1992);


Needs of those States which joined the Treaty in 1992;

Criteria concerning Internal Security Force levels.

9 — Article XIV: Aerial inspections.

10 —Article XVI:

Future role of the Joint Consultative Group; Duration of sessions of the Joint Consultative Group.

11 —Article XVIII:

Follow-up negotiations; Modalities;

Proposal for a Supplementary Agreement.

12 — Miscellaneous:

United peacekeeping force proposal; Exceptional circumstances;

Joint Consultative Group dialogue on a Treaty support fund.



To promote the implementation of the Statement of the Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Joint Consultative Group of 14 June 1991 (the Statement of the Soviet Representative), I have been instructed by the Government of the Russian Federation to state the following:

1 — It is understood that conventional armaments and equipment in the three Treaty limited categories

referred to in paragraph 1 of the Statement of the Soviet Representative (battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, artillery) will be deemed destroyed or rendered militarily unusable, in accordance with that Statement, upon the application of any of the foolowing methods:

A) Destruction or conversion of conventional armaments and equipment under procedures that provide sufficient visible evidence, which confirms that they have been destroyed or rendered militarily unusable;

B) Provision of satisfactory documentary evidence as meeting requirements of sufficient visible evidence, only in case of such armaments and equipment destroyed prior to promulgation of this Statement. The Russian Federation intends to provide such documentary evidence with regard to armaments and equipment destroyed in the area of application of the Treaty after 17 November 1995;

C) Segregation of battle tanks and armoured combat vehicles exposed to the influence of atmospheric factors, with hatches and covers of engine compartments opened, with the invitation of a group of experts to conduct — at its own expense — an examination of a random sample representative of those conventional armaments and equipment, prior to their removal from a display site for final disposal (scrapping), and notification of such removal;

D) Visit of group of experts, at its own expense and upon invitation, to count already derelict conventional armaments and equipment;

E) Notification preceding or accompanying each transfer of conventional armaments and equipment to other States Parties within the area of application of the Treaty, with equivalent relevant notificiation from the recipient State Party. Such transfers will be done in line with Treaty provisions and will be compatible with objectives and terms of the Statement of the Soviet Representative.

2 — Continuing its efforts aimed at the implementation of the Statement of the Soviet Representative, the Russian Federation will apply methods referred to in paragraph 1 of this Statement to conventional armaments and equipment located on its territory. It will co-operate with the Republic of Kazakstán and the Republic of Uzbekistan in applying those methods to conventional armaments and equipment located on their territories. The Russian Federation will negotiate the necessary arrangements with those States for the purpose of completing by joint efforts the processe referred to in paragraph 1 of the Statement of the Soviet Representative by the year 2000.

3 — If, despite good faith efforts, the quota of 6,000 battle tanks subject to elimination is not fully met, the shortfall of not more than 2,300 battle tanks will be covered by applying methods referred to in paragraph 1 of this Statement to an equal number of armoured combat vehicles in excess of the quota of 1,500 pieces; and thus the overall process referred to in paragraph 1 of the Statement of the Soviet Representative will be in general deemed completed. Notwithstanding that, a number of battle tanks equal to