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13 DE ABRIL DE 2018


19. Calls on the Member States to develop the Lisbon Treaty’s full potential with regard to the Common

Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as a step towards political union through the progressive framing of a

common defence policy, and welcomes in this context the Implementation Plan on Security and Defence.

20. Supports further efforts to increase European defence capabilities through defence

investments,enhanced cooperation and sustainable development of European defence industries across the EU

with a view to develop better responses to crises and military threats; highlights the important role in this process

of the European Defence Fund, the European Defence Research preparatory action and the European Defence

Industrial Development Programme in providing incentives for more European armaments cooperation,

encouraging cross border participation of SMEs and mid-caps by fostering investments in defence supply chains,

delivering urgently needed capabilities and in consolidating the European Defence Technological and Industrial


21. Believes that a more ambitious approach to the EU-NATO partnership is needed, in full respect for the

decision-making autonomy of each organisation. In this respect, welcomes the new proposals for EU-NATO

cooperation in areas such as hybrid threats, the fight against terrorism, cyber security, cross-border military

mobility in Europe and maritime security issues. Collaboration between the two organisations should be further

stimulated in areas such as operational cooperation, exercises, cyber security, strategic communication, defence

industry and research, capability development as well as capacity building and strengthening the resilience of

partner countries.

22. Supports the efforts to assume greater responsibility for protection of Europe and for response to external

crises, while deepening cooperation with NATO; Stresses the need to strengthen the internal resilience of the

EU ensuring real progress in countering hybrid threats, cyber security, protection of critical infrastructure,

strategic communication, and fight against terrorism.

23. Encourages a review of the EU’s approach to civilian CSDP missions in order to ensure they are properly

devised, implemented and supported; considers that the European Defence Agency (EDA) should be endowed

with the necessary financial and human resources following the recent long-term review; stresses that the EU

Battlegroups could be a useful tool for the implementation of the CSDP and should be used to their full responsive

potential; encourages Member States to provide effective funding to that end; invites Member States to consider

the possibilities to improve CSDP advanced planning through the establishment of a European Civilian-Military

Capability consisting of the recently established Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC) and the

existing Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC), to plan and conduct military operations and civilian

missions coherently.

Black Sea Region:

24. Notes that the changed security environment in the Black Sea region is a serious challenge for the EU,

and it continues to have a major impact on security and stability throughout the Euro-Atlantic zone. Believes that

the EU must remain a driving force for continuing reforms in neighbouring countries towards democratisation,

inclusiveness and growth on the basis of the Euro-Atlantic values. Backs the outcome of the 5th Eastern

Partnership Summit, contained in a roadmap for cooperation in the nearest future the “20 deliverables for 2020”,

aimed at building a democratic, stable, prosperous and sustainable region; encourages effective implementation

of sectorial commitments from that document, with a particular focus on connectivity, youth and resilience.

25. Supports EU-NATO cooperation on the management of migratory flows in the Aegean Sea and the

Central Mediterranean as a measure that enhances international law and the protection of forced migrants.

Appropriate measures are needed to prevent such pressure in the Black Sea region along with development

policies in the migrants’ countries of origin, aiming at addressing the root causes of mass migration. Adequate

funding to EU countries receiving migrants and hosting asylum-seekers should continue and measures should

comply with relevant EU decisions. Additional measures should be implemented towards the co-management

and co-financing of migration policy at European borders.