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and organized crime. In this regard, welcomes the recent launch of the action plan on the fight against organized

crime. Takes note of the recently adopted Law on the Protection of National Minorities and encourages Albania

to draft swiftly the necessary legislation and executive orders that will establish the rights of minorities in practice,

including the right to self-identification. Commends Albania's continued full alignment with the EU Common

Foreign and Security Policy. Supports starting the accession negotiation process upon the fulfilment of the

commitments; Calls for inclusive political dialogue and cooperation of political parties in the integration process.

14. Welcomes the constructive approach of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on improving

relations with its neighbours and to seek mutually acceptable solutions to long pending issues. Encourages

cooperation with its neighbours on tackling the migration crisis and other regional challenges. Calls for close

regional cooperation and asserts that infrastructure connectivity with neighbouring countries has the support of

the European Union. Calls for an inclusive internal political dialogue and social integration of ethnic communities

in all spheres of public life and the reduction of youth unemployment, which will greatly contribute to the success

of the undertaken reforms.

15. Encourages Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to continue implementing the reforms linked to integration

with the EU and calls on BiH to continue progress on the Reform Agenda. Further strengthening institutions at

all levels in cooperation with the European Union must remain a priority. Underlines that the successful

development of the country depends on guaranteeing the functioning of the rule of law by implementing the

Constitutional principles and the decisions of the Constitutional Court , strengthening public administration at all

levels, as well as long-term reforms going beyond the internal short-term political and electoral cycles; calls for

strengthening the parliamentary cooperation with the European Union, and calls for adoption of the Rules of

Procedure of the EU-BiH SAPC; urges to respect the rule of law and to abide by decisions of the Constitutional

Court; calls upon all parties to urgently implement the necessary changes in the Election Law in due time ahead

of the next general elections.

16. Asserts that the entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the programme for

its implementation provide an opportunity for Kosovo1 to achieve successful reforms in cooperation with the EU,

provided that this is done in full accordance with international law. Expects the new government to seize the

opportunities provided by this cooperation for sustainable progress in the fight against organized crime,

unemployment, strengthening institutions, functioning of public administration and the defence of individual

freedoms at all levels. Urges Kosovo authorities to urgently address rule of law and justice issues. Calls on the

local Assembly to ratify the Agreement on Border Demarcation with Montenegro and continue with improving the

track record in prosecution of high-level organised crime and corruption cases in order to move forward on EU

visa-liberalisation. Welcomes implementation of the Justice agreement and calls for continued engagement in

and commitment to the dialogue with Belgrade and the implementation of the already reached agreements;

underscores the importance of the undisturbed work of the Specialist Chambers of the Kosovo court system for

the country’s international and Euro-Atlantic integration.

The Common Security and Defence Policy:

17. Reiterates that the EU has all the means to be an influential global player able to project stability towards

its neighbourhood and beyond and shape a rule-based international order. In this context, calls for even deeper

cooperation and coordination between the EU institutions and the Member States. Stresses the need to enhance

cooperation with other global and regional powers on global threats and challenges.

18. Commends the progress in implementing the EU Global Strategy in the area of security and defence

made in 2017 and encourages Member States to swiftly continue with further implementation works. Welcomes

the launch of Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and urges the member states to implement it in the

most ambitious way possible.

1 This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.