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13 DE ABRIL DE 2018


Accelerating Reforms in View of the Accession of the Western Balkans to the EU:

6. Reiterates the need for a strategic focus on the Western Balkans region and welcomes the 2018 EU

Enlargement Strategy. Urges the EU Heads of State and Government to redeclare at their Sofia Summit on 17

May 2018 the European membership perspectives of the Western Balkans countries. Believes that democracy,

prosperity and stability are the key priorities for further development in the region; calls on the Western Balkan

countries to put more efforts in improving the socio-economic and political conditions of the region; believes that

the strengthening of social and economic rights makes an important contribution to the enhancement of security.

7. Is convinced that European integration, regional cooperation, reconciliation and resolution of bilateral

disputes are the best means to address the dangers that the region is currently facing, stemming from political

and historical grievances. Underlines existing threats of destabilizing the region resulting from foreign interference

and influences, as well as extreme nationalism and xenophobia. Calls on the countries of the region to align with

the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy.

8. Stresses the need to remain fully dedicated to the respect of the rule of law, fostering highly effective

political and civil societies, and free media in the region, along with good governance, judicial independence,

freedom of expression, minority rights, fight against corruption and organised crime.

9. Emphasizes that strengthening security, capacity building and reinforcing resilience in the Western

Balkans and other partner countries must be an essential element of the Common Foreign and Security Policy,

including the EU Common Security and Defence Policy and an area of enhanced EU-NATO cooperation. Notes

that the European aspirations of each country of the region can only be fulfilled according to each country’s

progress and merit.

10. Underlines the high importance of strategic communication in fostering a dialogue and understanding

between EU and Western Balkans, countering disinformation and maintaining stability.

11. Welcomes Montenegro’s undeniable progress in the negotiation process, ascertained by all political and

economic indicators, while underlining that Montenegro is a stabilizing factor in the region – with its NATO

membership and the Agreement on the Borders signed with BiH in 2015. Welcomes the opening of negotiations

on Chapters 2 and 3. Expects that by the end of the current Presidency Trio, Estonia-Bulgaria-Austria, the

process of opening of the remaining chapters will be completed. Urges to step up domestic efforts on the

consolidation of democracy, the rule of law and media freedom; urges to step up the fight against corruption and

organised crime. Calls for starting the process of discussing the indicators for closing Chapters 23 and 24.


Montenegro’s continued full alignment with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy. Emphasizes that

the enlargement process is based on an assessment of each of the negotiating parties’ individual progress; urges

the country to complete the necessary reforms by 2025.

12. Welcomes the progress of Serbia in the accession negotiations with the EU and expects steady progress

with regard to the remaining chapters. Encourages further reforms in key policy areas of the integration process.

Urges to step up efforts on fighting corruption and enhancing judicial independence and media freedom. Urges

the country to complete the reforms by 2025. Welcomes an internal debate and calls for furthering the dialogue

with Pristina - a factor for improving relations and stability in the region as a whole. Calls for closer cooperation

and stronger alignment with the EU in the sphere of Common Foreign and Security Policy and in the process of

Serbia`s accession to the EU. Asserts that cooperation with neighbouring countries to tackle the migration crisis

has produced results and should continue. Encourages better further integration of minorities and ethnic

communities in the field of culture and education, which is important for social cohesion based on the common

values of the Union.

13. Welcomes Albania’s progress on the five key priorities which are a prerequisite for starting accession

negotiations with the EU. Supports the judicial reform, including the vetting process, undertaken by the country

and expects that this reform moves to completion, as a key element contributing to the fight against corruption