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Read beginning of third paragraph as follows:

Subject to the provisions of the first paragraph, the jurisdiction of the court of the State of origin may not be reviewed; [...]

4 — Article 30: Read end of second paragraph as follows:

[...] if enforcement is suspended in the State origin by reason of àn appeal.

5 — Article 32: Read second ident as follows:

— in Denmark, to the byret.

6 — Article 38: Read beginning of first paragraph as follows:

The court with which the appeal under Article 37(1) is lodged may, on the application of the appellant, stay the proceedings if an ordinary appeal has been lodged against the judgment in the State of origin or if the time [...]

Read beginning of second paragraph as follows:

Where the judgment was given in Ireland or the United Kingdom, any form of appeal available in the State of origin shall be treated [...]

7 — Article 43: Read end of Article as follows:

[...] by the courts of the State of origin.

8 — Article 44: Read first paragraph as follows:

An applicant who, in the State of origin^ has benefited from complete or partial legal aid or exemption from costs or expenses, shall be entitled, in the procedures provided for in Articles 32 to 35, to benefit from the most favourable legal aid or the most extensive exemption from costs or expenses provided for by the law of the State addressed.

9 — Article 47: Read point 1 as follows:

1 —. documents which establish that, according to the law of the State of origin, the judgment is enforceable and has been served.

Read end of point 2 as follows:

I...] leal aid in the State of origin.

10 — Article 51: Read end of Article as follows:

[...] enforceable in the State addressed under the same conditions as authentic instruments.

s) Texto trances

1 — Article 3, second alinéa: Le deuxième tiret est remplacé para le texte suivant:

— au Danemark: l'article 246, paragraphes 2 et 3 de la loi sur la procédure civile (Lov om rettens pleje).

2 — Article 32, premier alinéa: Le deuxième tiret est remplacé para le texte suivant:

— au Danemark, ay byret.

3 — Article 44, premier alinéa: l'expression «l'Etat où la décision a été rendue» est remplacée para «l'Etat d'origine».

r) Texto Irlandôs

1 — Airteagal 3: Cuirfear an méid seo a leanas in ionad an dara fleasc:

— sa Danmhairg: Airteagal 246(2) agus (3) den dli ar nés imeachta sibhialta (Lov om rettens pleje).

2 — Airteagal 12: Cuirfear an méid seo a leanas in ionad pointe 3:

3 — a chuirfear i gcrich idir sealbhôir polasai augus ârachôir, a bhfuil sainchônai n6 gnâthchônai orthu araon sa Stât Conarthach céanna tràth an Chonartha a chur i gcrtch agus arb é is éifeacth dô dlinse a thabhairt do chûirteanna as Stâit sin fiû i gcâs an teagmhas diobhâlach a tharlû ar an gcoinngrich, ar an gcoinnioll nach bhfuil an com-haontû sin contrârtha do dhli an Stâit sin.

3 — Airteagal 25: Cuirfear na focail «ar chostais nô chaiteachais» in ionad na bhfocal «ar chostais nô caiteachais» ag deireadh an Airteagail.

4 — Airteagal 27: Cuirfear na focail «cûirt an Stâit tionscnaimh» in ionad na bhfocal «cûirt an Stâit inar tugadh an breithiûnas» i bpointe 4.

5 — Airteagal 28: Cuirfear na focail «forâlacha Roinn 3, 4 nô 5 de Theideal II» in ionad na bhfocal «forâlacha ait 3, 4 nô 5 de Theideal II» sa chéad mhir.

Cuirfear na focail «an Stâit tionscnaimh» in ionad na bhfocal «an Stâit inar tugadh an breithiûnas» sa dara agus sa triû mir.

6 — Airteagal 30: Cuirfear na focail «sa Stât tionscnaimh» in ionad na bhfocal «sa Stât inar tugdh an breithiûnas» sa dara mir.

7 — Airteagal 31: Cuirfear na focail «nuair a bheidh sé dearbhaithe, ar iarratas ô aon phàirti leasmhar, go bhfuil sé infhorghniomhaithe sa Stât eile sin» in ionad na bhfocal «nuair a bheidh, ar iarratas ô aon phâirti leasmhar, ordû a fhorghniomhaithe eisithe sa Stât eile sin» ag deireadh na chéad mhire.

8 — Airteagal 32: Cuirfear na focail «an tribunal de première instance nô rechtbank van eerste aanleg» in ionad na bhfocal «an 'tribunal première instance' nô an 'rechtbank van eerste aanleg'» sa chéad fhleasc.

Cuirfear an méid seo leanas in ionad an dara fleasc:

— sa Danmhairg, an byret.

9 — Airteagal 38:

Cuirfear na focail «sa Stât tionscnaimh» in ionad na bhfocal «sa Stât inar tugadh an breithiûnas» sa chéad mhir.

Cuirfear na focail «sa Stât tionscnaimh» in ionad na bhfocal «sa Stât inar tugadh é» sa dara mir.

10 — Airteagal 43: Cuirfear na focail «cûirteanna an Stâit tionscnaimh» in ionad na bhfocal «cûirteanna an Stâit inar tugadh an breithiûnas».

11 — Airteagal 44: Cuirfear na focail «sa Stât tionscnaimh» in ionad na bhfocal «se Stât inar tugadh an breithiûnas».

12 — Airteagal 47: Cuirfear na focail «de réir dhli an Stâit tionscnaimh» in ionad na bhfocal «de réir dli an Stâit inar tugadh an breithiûnas» i bpointe 1.