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10 DE MAIO DE 1997


SaneneMMe Aenerayxx yxgaxxbi Ka riepeOM KOHG^peHu_xM no.PBCCMgrpexxKj aeMCTexx floroaop.a 06 o6bi*Hbix BogpyM^HMba cxnax a Eepone

31 Man 1996 roaa

"8 CBA3H c peiuexxeM KoxcpepexuMx no paccMOTpexxo abxctbxh Aoroaopa 06 OBCE ot 31 Man 1996 roaa npxwub 'ZlOKyweKT. cornacoBaHHbix rocyaapcreaMM - yMBCTHxxaMx floroaopa 06 o&bwxbix aoopyxcexxbix cxnax b Eepone or 19 no»6pp 1990 rooa" yxpaxxa aaar car name xa raxoa peuiexxe npx tom noxHMBXHM. hto npx ocyuiecTBnexHH ero nonoxeMxx rocyaapcTBay

1. ripaBa h oojJWTerbCiea Poccxkckom (Deaepauxx. onpeaenexHbie e nyxxiax 1 x 3 pasaena II. a raxwe e nyxxre 1 pajaena V aaxxoro floxyMexra, npHuexxre/ibHo x "paxoxy. yxaaaxxOMy a noanyxxTB 1A crarbx V fjoroeopa, tax ox nonxMancx Cok)30m Cobbtcxmx Cauxanxcrxxecxxx Pecnyo/iKx bo bpbmx noanxcaxxx Qoroeopa*. xe pacnpocrpaxntorcn xa reppxTopxio yxpaxxbi. a mmbkxo: ABTOxoMxyio Pecny6m«y Kpum. HxxonaeBCxyto. 3anopo>xcxyK) x Xepcoxcxyio o6nacrx.

2 flencraxe rryxxroa 1 x 3 pajaena II a raxxe nyxxTB 2 pasaena IV aaxxoro HoxyMexTa xb pacnpoCTpaxRercx xa ry xacrb OflBT cxn oeperoeox o6opoxt>i x uopcxox nexoTbi HepxOMOpCKOro 0>noTa. xoropax b pesyrtbTaTe pasaena MBxxay yxpaxxox x Poccmhckoh OeaapauMdM oToAaar Poccxkckom cpeaBpauxM x noaneMMT BMBOay c TeppxTopxx Yxpaxxbi a cornacoeaKHbiB cpoxx.

3. nonoMexxx nyxxTa 2 paaaejia IV Doxyvexra xx a kobh Mepe xe orpaxMHHB8K}T npaeo m ao3MOxxHOCTM yxpaxxbi xa apeMBxxox 0CX0BB paseepTbiaaTb a cooreeraBKM c nyxxroM 1 craibx V Qoroaopa b npeaenax 'xoeoro* rpnaxroBoro pattoxa ooeebie raxxx. coeewe DpoxMpoeaxxbte Mawxxbi x apTMAriepxio.

4. rio/iox

Oenerauxn yxpaxxbi npocxT pacnpocTpaxxTb xacrofiiuee 3a«enexxe a Kaxecree npxnowexxfl x saxmoxMre/ibHOMy aoxyMexry Koxo^epeMuxM."

Statement by the Delegation of the Netherlands at the First Conference to Review the Operation of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.

31 May 1996

It is the view of the 16 members of the Atlantic Alliance that any future flexibility must be consistent with the legal framework of the Treaty, as agreed by all 30 States Parties.

It is requested that this statement be attached to the Final Document.

3axenexxe aenerauxx Pocchxckox Oeaepauxx xa flepaOM KoHttjepgHuxH no pacCMOTpexxK) aexcTBxx iloroeooa o0 o6btMMb*x BoopvxeHMbix cwnax a Enpone

31 wan 1996 roaa

"Ec/ix ruoKoCTM. nepexxcnexxbie a aoroeopejxHOCTM no cpnaxroaoH npo6neue, He Oyayr peanxaoaaHU k 31 Max 1999 roaa. poccxxcxan crapoxa ocraftrow aa cooo* npaao MCnonbSOeaTb opyrxe rxOKOCTM Aoroaopa, oficyxcAaBixjxecn. ho xe ynoMAxyTbie e BbiujeHaaB&HHOA AOroBopexxocTx."

Statements of the Chairman of the First Conference to Review the Operation of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe and the Concluding Act of the Negotiation on Personnel Strength.

Notwithstanding the rights of each State as stated in article xiv of the Treaty, each State Party should attempt to avoid conducting inspections during the officially recognized holidays of the other State Party.

With regard do the phrase «on the availability of financial resources* in the Statement of the Representative of the Russian Federation as contained in annex E of the Final Document of the First Conference to Review the Operation of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, it is understood that this phrase is without prejudice to other arms control obligations.

Temporary deployment and reallocation of quotas referred to in section iv, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Document contained in annex A of this Final Document, will not be used in the context of the Azerbaijan Republic.

3anepeHMe aenerauxx Pqcchmcxoh QeAepauxx xa nepeox Koxtfxwexuxx np pbccmotdoxxk) nexCTawx noroaopa 06 1&^xbiK^QpQ£ywe^xbjx.c^nax.a.£e£Qne

6exa. 31 Man 1996 roaa

~B cbxsh c sanBjiaHMOM yxpaxxbt or 31 mbx 1996 roaa. othocxiummch k JQwcyMexTy. cor^acDsaxMOMy Mexuxy rocyaapcraeMx - y^acrnxKaMx Aorouopa oo oObiMxwx Boopyixexxbix cxnax b Eapona. Poccxxcxax cpeaepauxn xcxoaxt ms roro xro naxHoe sananexxe xx b xoex Mepe xe oyaer npennrcTaoBaTb BbinonxexMio yxaaaxHoro 0OKyMSxra.'

Statement by the Delegation of Turkey at the First Conference to Review the Operation of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.

31 May 1996

On the occasion of the adoption of the Final Document of the First Review Conference, the Turkish Delegation registers the following understanding:

1 — The Document in question does not change in any way the legally binding character of the CFE Treaty and its Associated Documents, or the obligations of individual States Parties to the Treaty.

2 — Paragraphs 2 and 3 of section iv of the Document may not be interpreted in a manner which might prejudice the provision contained in article rv, paragraph 5, of the CFE Treaty, or the principle of free consent enshrined in the OSCE documents on the use of such rights.

3 —The «flexibilities» contained in the Treaty consist of those mentioned in the above paragraphs and may only be used in full respect of the relevant Treaty provisions and on the basis of agreements concluded and implemented with the free consent of the States Parties involved.

4 — While the Turkish Delegation accepts an examination of the DPSS provisions, it makes it clear that it can accept eventual modifications only if they do not result in force concentrations prejudicial to regional balances and provided that a similar examination is carried out for the clarification of the question of «temporary deployments», in particular with regard to their duration.

5 — In view of the continued relevance of the regional sub-limits even under changing conditions, the Turkish Government will not enter into any negotiation prejudicial to the principle of regional sub-limits, nor will it accept any force limits that do not take due account of the size of its territory, population and the security environment in adjacent regions not subject to Treaty limitations.

It is requested that this statement be attached to the Final Document.

Statement by the Delegation of Georgia at the First Conference to Review the Operation of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.

31 May 1996

The Georgian Delegation has considered paragraphs 2 and 3 of section iv of the Document agreed among the States Parties on the flank issue very carefully. We still have some very serious concerns about the future implementation of their content. In this context we would like to make the following statement:

Any agreement on temporary deployment of conventional armed forces on the territory of Georgia or on the reallocation of equipment quotas established by the Tashkent Agreement must be the result of free negotiation and must be taken with full respect for the sovereignty of Georgia and for its Constitution. All Parties must implement all the provisions of any such agree-